Avengers X Reader

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"Come on Tony! You're taking forever!" You whined and shifted your bag back down to the floor. If you were being honest he wasn't the only one you were waiting on, but it was more entertaining to watch him get flustered.

"For Peter's sake (Y/n) calm down." He said and tipped his head to stare at you over the top of his sunglasses. "You don't even have your suit on." He scoffed.

You rolled your eyes at him. "It's under my clothes IronDork." You smirked and dogged a towel that was thrown at you.

"Hey! Not cool man!" Peter grumbled as he picked the towel off the ground and shook it out. "A warning would have been nice." He muttered and shoved the towel into the back of the car.

"All right everyone in the car!" The battle cry sounded from Steve as he came around the corner. "(Y/n) I trust you packed sunscreen?" He asked.

"Yeah." You tipped your head to Peter. "With the albino over here were gonna need it." You smirked and jumped behind Tony to avoid being hit.

"I am an average shade of pale." He shot back.

You pulled a face before climbing into the large van. You dropped into the far back between Tony and Clint. Peter, and Pietro sat in front of you with Natasha and Wanda in front of them, leaving Sam and Steve in driving position.

"I don't understand why we couldn't have just flown there like any other time." Clint muttered as he shifted to get more comfortable.

"Cuz Steve thought it would be a good idea to do team bonding and this was part of it." Tony sighed.

"Let's just agree not to gain anymore weight." You said glancing at both men. There was a muttered 'here here' from the two men beside you before silence befell you.

You were never one for small talk or starting conversations so the silence didn't bother you. Instead you wandered through your mind while everyone else chatted and picked on each other.

About an hour or so later Steve stopped the van at the private beach and the van unloaded a lot faster than it had been loaded. You piled coolers and bags into Steve's arms while he muttered something about not making a second trip to the car. Everyone else grabbed their own bag and something odd here and there before making their way to the ocean side. You helped Steve move everything around so that the largest towels were shaded and the chairs were set around the edges.

"You can head out. You don't have to help me here." Steve said nudging you towards the water.

You glanced out to everyone bobbing over the waves with only their heads visible. "Oh no. That's fine." You turn away and fake a smile. "I'm gonna work on my tan instead. You go enjoy yourself I'll make sure no crabs take our sandwiches." You teased as you laid down on your towel.

It took a moment or so before Steve shrugged and made his way down to the ocean. You let out a sigh and let the warm sun rays engulf you.

It was about another fifteen minutes before you felt a shadow hover over you. Cracking one eye open you gazed upward. "Food is on the other side of the blanket." You told Pietro and closed your eyes again. You felt a wet hand grab your wrist and you let out a startled yelp as you were thrown over his shoulder. You watched the ground move below you as you protested and tried to get down.

"Ah there she is!" Sam laugh from behind you. "Trying to avoid us?"

You stopped struggling as you watched the water lap around Pietro's legs. He dropped you down into the knee deep water and gave a cheeky grin. "I hate you." You hissed but he laughed and poked your cheek.

"You always say that yet you never do anything to show it." He smirked and moved farther into the water leaving you rooted to your spot.

"Well come on (Y/n)." Natasha smiled. Her hair was plastered to her head showing that she had either been pushed under, or pummeled by a wave. Gaging from the state of everyone else you guess the wave.

"I'm good here. It's a bit cold for my liking." You found yourself saying and cursed inwardly at the lame excuse.

"Yeah frosty." Tony snorted. "It's totally colder than the time Clint pulled you out of the Atlantic ocean." He said sarcastically.

You bit your lip and groaned. "Okay fine." You groaned inwardly as you gave into the pressure of joining the group. It was hard to ignore the fear that claimed your body as the water slowly came up higher and higher.

You found yourself gravitating closest to Steve who had a knowing look in his eyes which struck you as odd. The only one who knew your fear of deep water was Clint, who was also watching you while teasing Nat, and he only knew because of the time he had to get you after you got stranded during a mission.

You bounced from foot to foot with each steady pull of the waves in attempt to say above the water. It had only been a few minutes before you heard Tony call out that there was a nice one coming. You felt the blood drain from your face as you shifted to the best of your ability to face the oncoming wave. Sure enough there was a steadily growing bulge coming straight at you.

Everything that followed happened fast enough you didn't have time to react.

"We've got an early breaker!" Peter called out as the swell crested and began a quick descend.

Unfortunately you were close enough to be drawn in by the undercurrent. You felt someone grab your arm but slid out of their grasp as your feet came from under you. The sudden drop caused you to only get a short amount of air before being submerged and pulled under the wave.

You were tossed one way and another, spun in circles, and flipped in every direction imaginable. If you ever had to describe what it was like to be in a washing machine, it would be this.

You don't know how long you were under but you didn't know which way was up and to say you were dizzy would be an understatement. You felt yourself being tugged in one direction and you felt the warm sun on your face once again as your body shuddered to catch more air.

"Holy Shit (Y/n) are you okay?"

Your eye sight came back into focus and you looked at the blond hair plastered to Clint's head and the water that dripped off his nose. You noted how much farther out you were from when you first went under. "Never. Again." You gasped and held onto Clint as though your life depended on it, and it kinda did at this point.

"I don't know why you came out that far in the first place." He said and started to slowly make his way back to the others.

"I didn't want to be embarrassed." You mumbled quietly and could feel Clint roll his eyes.

"No one would have thought a second thing of it. We all have a quirky fears." Clint said but the two of you dropped it when you joined the others.

You nodded weakly to the 'are you okay' questions and Clint answered that you were going back to the towels for now.

The rest of the day passed with you sitting at the blanket as the others came and went. It varied from idle conversations to simple silence with each person. At the end of the day with everything packed back up you settled back between the two men once more.

No one in the van may be blood to you, but you couldn't ask for a better family. As you laid you head on Tony's shoulder and closed your eyes you couldn't have been more happy. Well, maybe if you hadn't almost drowned.

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