Bucky X Reader (requested)

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"(Y/n) this is James." Steve introduced the man standing beside him. "She helped me get re-acquainted with the world when I came back." He continued to tell James.

"I've heard a lot about you." You smiled at the rather handsome man.

"Thats not always a good thing." James laughed as he shook your hand. "But I'll hope for the best."

"Mostly good things." You teased lightly. "I'm mostly just the teams support and therapy person." You explained a little more. "So if you need anything just let me know." You smiled softly. "But if you'll excuse me, I do have some things to attend to." You said before turning to leave.

In the next two years you and James, or as you came to call him, Bucky, had become rather close. You both helped each other out and were there for each other. In that time however you found yourself starting to fall for the guy, there was just one little problem.

"Oh (Y/n) you're still up." Buckys voice cut through your reading causing you to look up. "This is Denise." He gestured to the model like girl behind him.

You forced a fake smile to meet her equally fake one. "Hello." You greeted tightly while taking in her slim figure and blonde hair. She had legs for miles and wore heels to top it off. A fashion mistake in your eyes, but you weren't one to really talk fashion. Considering you sat in an over sized hoodie and sweatpants. Hell, who were you kidding it was 11:30 at night you had every right to be dressed like that.

"Oh my gosh he has talked so much about you!" Denise stated while her gum flopped in her mouth. "Its so nice to finally meet you."

"Oh thanks, I havent heard one word about you." You mused causing her sticking sweet smile to falter. "But thats besides the point. Have a good night." You offered with a smile of your own as you lifted your book back up.

The girl stalked off down the hall but Bucky hesitated a moment as he stared at you. You finally looked up at him but he sighed and walked back to his room. You watched him go with a sad sigh of your own.

A few weeks later you popped your head into the gym to find Bucky and Steve sparring. You entered and leaned on the one bar off to the side. Steve was the first to notice you waiting, however, this earned him a solid punch to the jaw from Bucky. You visibly winced only able to imagine the way it felt.

"Oh my God Steve I'm so sorry." James immediately stated, putting his hand on his friends shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." Steve rubbed his jaw before throwing a cautious smile at him before looking back at you. "That was your fault and you owe me." Steve said pointing a finger in your direction.

"Me?!" You exclaimed and laughed. "How the hell is that my fault. I didn't hit you!"

"You distracted me." He countered and you rolled your eyes.

"Alright fine. Well the reason I came down was to see if you guys wanted to go to the new restaurant that opened up downtown? I would need to make reservations so would Thursday work?"

"Yeah that works for me." Bucky nodded

"Sounds like a good idea." Steve agreed.

"Perfect." You grinned and waved your hands dismissively. "You may go back to beat each other senseless." You teased before walking back out.

A few days later you found yourself already waiting at the restaurant since you stopped on your way back from an appointment. You glanced up as a waiter showed a nicely dressed Steve to your table. Your grin matched his own as he took a seat across from you.

"We'll take the menu now." Steve stated and shot you a side glance keeping you quiet.

Your smile faded for a moment and you looked at the menu being handed to you while Steve ordered your favorite wine. "So no Bucky?" You questioned.

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