Teenage!Avengers X Teenage!reader

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You were never one to enjoy going to school, but that being said you also didn't exactly hate it. 'A necessary evil' you called it. The fact that your older brother was only a few grades ahead of you never helped either. You never could make a name for yourself or do something without being known as 'Tony's little sister'. No one ever said it condescendingly or did it mockingly, they knew better than that. It was the fact that you were fifteen years old and still being called little that annoyed you the most.

You loved Tony, you really did, but in big brother fashion he always got on your nerves. He was the most popular senior, maybe even the most popular kid in school. Which made you pretty person famous too, but only becuase they wanted to know him, not you.

A snapping sound and your name pulled you from you thoughts. You blinked and moved your head back from the snapping fingers in front of your face. "What?" You mumbled pushing the hand away.

"I am having a conversation with a brick wall it seems." The red head chuckled. "I asked if you saw the two new kids hanging around. I'm curious about them." Natasha said and looked over as her boyfriend sat down beside her.

"No." You shook your head. "I honestly didn't know we had anyone new in the school." You shrugged but leaned forward with interest.

"From what I've heard they know each other and both moved here but they arnt related." Clint said setting his cup in front of him. "If that makes sense." He finished when you stared blankly at him.

"Sure." You nodded once and startled slightly when two hands leaned on the table beside you. You frowned up at your brother, confused to what he would want.

"Unless you're going to take the bus home we're staying after for the football tryouts." Tony said before you could ask what he wanted.

"But you never make the team." You couldn't help but smirk a little. If there was one thing Tony couldn't do, it was football.

"That doesn't mean i can't try." He scoffed and pushed off the table. "Either you stay or not. Your call." He said and walked away.

"Then I guess I'll have my homework done before I get home." You sighed and Nat raised an eyebrow.

"You're going to stay?" She asked

"Well yeah. I am not riding that bus." You scoffed and gathered your things as the bell rang. "Have you seen some of the people on there? Besides, watching Tony fail is my win."

"(Y/n)." You glanced up at Clint. "I ride your bus." He deadpanned.

"My point exactly." You smirked as you turned to head to class. "I'll see you guys after school." You called over your shoulder as you moved away from them.

You arrived to class late but it didn't seem to deter the teacher from staring at his computer screen. You took an empty seat in the back and pulled your laptop out to start on your essay. As the door closed again and the soft murmur of students reached your ears you looked up to see what was going on.

The teacher was pointing back at you and it took you a moment to realize he was directing the student in front of him to the seat beside you and not actually pointing at you. The boy seemed to be about your age though he looked smaller than you. Almost like he could pass as an underclassmen. He had short dirty blonde hair and blue eyes that darted around nervously at first before he lifted his chin and took a seat beside you.

He didn't look at you as he moved his things around and you didn't look over at him, besides, the whole class was practically breaking their necks to look back at him. Soon the only sound in the room was the clicking of computer keys and the occasional page flip of a book.

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