Avenges X Reader (Requested)

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You walked out of your room, arms across your chest, but not in a closed off attitude. Your finger tips played with the hem of the long sleeves while you followed the sound of laughter.

You had been taking your lunch time nap after practicality being Nat's personal punching bag, when you woke to everyone yelling and laughing. It wasnt completely unusual and you usually didnt investigate, but today you couldnt help the curiosity.

The sound lead you to the large dining room and only Peter and Steve noticed you enter. You received a silent nod from Steve as you took the empty seat beside Peter.

"Ahh so it is still alive." Tony commented with a smirk from where he sat across the table.

You rolled your eyes and made a face that was the equivalent of 'shove it' before leaning over to Peter. "So what is going on?" You whispered over everyone else laughing.

"Everyone is sharing the cheesiest jokes they know." He murmured back with a grin.

"Why did the stadium get hot after the game?" Clint challenged while trying not to laugh at himself. When no one answered he giggled a little. "All the fans left."

"Oh that's just so cringe worthy." You said as everyone else chuckled.

"Are you saying you could do better?" Natasha asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No." You countered quickly and placed your elbows on the table. "I'm just saying I've heard better." You smirked lightly at Clint before lacing your fingers together. You rested your chin on your thumbs causing half your face to be hidden.

The table was a warzone of bad jokes that made people laugh anyway. A small smile played behind your fingers as you listened.

"Okay Steve." Bucky said smacking his food hand on the table to gain attention.

You jumped a little at the sudden sound to your left but no one seemed to notice.

"How did Hitler tie his shoes?" Bucky smirked and seemed triumphant when Steve's only response was a furrowed brow.

You looked from steve and back to Bucky as it hit you. A snort of amusement exhaled from your nose before you said it out loud. "In little notzies?" It sounded ridiculous coming out of your mouth and you giggled a little at Bucky's amused face since you answered correctly.

"Yeah how did you know?" He laughed at you.

You thought for a moment as you decided whether to tell him the truth or not. Finally you shrugged. "I saw it on Facebook a couple weeks ago." You smiled at his defeat.

"What, and you couldn't let me have my moment? Bucky smiled as you shook your head.

"Of course not." You openly laughed now. "Not since you ate my pizza from the fridge yesterday." You smirked.

It was the first in a long time you had been this openly happy. After years of being told you had an obnoxious laugh and an ugly smile you learned to hide it well.

"Ha! See?" Sam called triumphantly from the other side of the table. "I told you that wasnt my pizza!"

"That was your pizza? Bucky asked with a raised eyebrow as he laughed at Sam.

"Yes." You actually laughed. "That was my pizza! And I'll have you know sir I was looking forward to eating it when I got here yesterday!" You laughed whole heartedly at his slightly Crest fallen face, but he recovered quickly with a sly smirk.

"Well I can assure you it tasted amazing." Bucky retorted before the buzzer sounded that someone was at the door.

"Oh speaking of pizza." Tony said as he stood and started to pull his wallet out of his pocket.

In that short time you became aware of everyone smiling at you and you stood abruptly. "I'll get it." You interjected quickly as you took his whole wallet on your way past.

As you stepped out of the dining room you could feel yourself relax that all eyes were off you, but your steps faltered slightly when you overheard the slight whispers.

"I can't believe she actually laughed."

"I know, I wish she would show her happiness more often."

"She told me that she thought it was an obnoxious laugh, but I dont think it was." Followed by a chorus of 'no'

"I cant believe that really was her pizza."

A small smile played on your lips as your feet carried you to the door. Maybe laughing and smiling wasnt a bad thing. It did feel good to not hide it and no one seemed annoyed by it. You opened the door and found yourself returning the small smile of the pizza boy.

"Alright." You said as you re-entered the kitchen carrying the boxes. "Five pizzas, and none for Bucky." You said with a pointed smirk in his direction while the others laughed.

It may have taken years for you to openly laugh and smile in front of someone else, but now you realized it was a matter of who you were with and not what other people, who didnt even mean anything to you, had to say.

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