Tony X Reader

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It was about one in the morning and you were wide awake as you scrolled through your favorite media app. It wasn't unusual for you to be up at this time and tonight you laid slightly propped up in bed with only the soft glow coming from you phone to illuminate things around you. Something beside you shifted and you looked out the corner of your eye to see Tony staring at you. Silence continued over the next few minutes while the two of you lie there awake.

"Do you know what I could go for?" Tony was the first to break the silence and his voice seemed to echo in the quiet room.

You looked over and arched an eyebrow as multiple answers ran through your mind. Instead of voicing them you simply hummed a question.


"Well we don't have any cake." You answered looking back at your phone before reaching over the side of the bed for the charging cord.

"Well then let's go get one." He said watching you.

"Tony, no one is even open at this time." You sighed. "No one that sells cake anyway." You mumbled.

He sighed dramatically and rolled onto his back and stared at the ceiling letting silence fall again.

"Do we have any cake mix?"

"No." You answered instantly. The last box you had was used when Steve and Bucky wanted a cake a few weeks ago.

"But you didn't think about it."

"I don't have to."

"Do we have anything to make a cake?"

You looked over at him. "I am not making you a cake at one in the morning."

"But do we have anything?"

You ran through the memorized recipe in your mind while thinking of what was in the kitchen. "Yes." You answered finally.


"Will you make me a cake?" He asked moving closer to you so he was more visible in the light.



"I'm not baking a cake at this hour."


"No." You refused to look at him.

"Awh come on." He pleaded.

"Tony." You laid the phone down on your lap.


You made the mistake of looking over and holding his gaze. Damn, you always melted under that stare. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around. Weren't guys supposed to bend to the whim of a girl? You sighed and ran a hand through your hair. "Fine." You said and smiled softly as he pulled you out of the bed.

"I knew I loved you for some reason." He said with a flashy grin. He led the way to the door with simply a pair of gym shorts on.

"Oh so you only love me for my cooking and baking skills?" You smirked and followed. You grabbed an extra pair of his shorts and slid them on over your (color) panties. You rolled the waistband so they weren't so long as you padded behind him down the hall.

"A man will never admit one way or the other." He said and flicked on the kitchen light.

You rolled your eyes but didn't hide the smile tugging at your lips. You made yourself busy pulling various ingredients out of the cabinets while Tony turned on some music. After a moment of arguing over who's playlist to listen to the two of you remembered the joined list you had.

With everything laid out you began instructing Tony on what to put in while you preheated the oven. There was a firm smack to your butt that made you spin around with a gasp. Tony's hands flew up in innocence but you could see one was whiter than the other, not to mention the cloud of flour that was floating around.

"Tony you child!" You laughed and looked back at the hand print on the black shorts. You place your hand into the flour before gently smacking his cheek leaving a smaller hand print.

"Oh I'm the child?" He laughed and flicked some more flour at you.

"Yes!" You squealed and brushed the powder off your face. Without hesitation you returned the favor by ruffling his hair with a flour covered hand.

The two of you laughed and spun around the room trying to avoid the cocoa powder and flour that was flung between the two of you. The war ended with you covered head to toe in white and brown powder. Tony had perfect hand prints all over his body and the kitchen was a total mess.

"Clean up the mess." You giggled and tossed him a damp cloth before turning back to the forgotten task.

"Me? Why me?" He pouted and looked at the towel.

"Because you started it for one." You said pointing at him with the wisk. "And two I'm making the cake you insisted you needed at this very moment." You said and licked some batter off your finger. "So get working there buddy." You grinned and turned back to the bowl.

A couple minutes later you slid the cake pan into the oven and washed your hands.

"Now what?" Tony asked as he watched you.

"We wait."

"But I'm impatient."

"I know." You snickered and leaned back on the counter across from him with your arms crossed. He shot you a look and resorted to playing on his phone while you jumped to sit on the counter.

The next twenty minutes passed with the two of you having small talk or you filling the silence with random popping sounds out of boredom. If you were being honest with yourself you were dead beat tired at this point but knew Tony would probably burn the cake if you retreated to bed.

You switched off the oven as you grabbed a pot holder and pulled the cake out while Tony leaned over your shoulder knife in hand to cut it.

"It doesn't even have icing on it." You frowned as he started cutting a chunk out. He shrugged and you rolled your eyes as you put the holder back in the drawer. At this point it was about two thirty in the morning and you were ready for sleep. You kissed his cheek while he mumbled a 'thanks for the cake' and you started to head out of the kitchen as Steve and a tired looking Bucky walked in.

"Do I smell cake?" Steve asked both confused and a little excited. When you nodded he followed up with, "why at two in the morning?"

"Becuase Tony wanted cake." You sighed and patted his arm as you walked past. "Have at it though." You said to Bucky as you passed him.

"No Steve it's my cake." You heard as you padded down the hall.

"Dude just share the cake."

You rolled your eyes and closed the door behind you.

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