Pietro X Reader: requested

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An: I'm soooo sorry it took me forever to get this up for you! I had a lot come up that I had to deal with and I'd be lying if o said this was easy to write. Hope you enjoy!

You lay sideways on the bed with your legs dangling off. Your cat lay on your stomach while you listen to your music from your phone. It had been a pretty uneventful day and you were bored out of your mind, though it was nothing new. Something brushed against your forehead causing you to open your eyes. Above you hovered Pietro from the other side of the bed. You pulled one headphone out and smiled lightly at him.

"The new teammate is on her way up and Steve wants us all to greet her." He said reaching past you to pet the cat.

"Yeah okay." You sighed and started to get up. "I mean they didn't do it for me but whatever." You mumbled as you stood and stretched.

Pietro smiled slightly and took your hand. "Well things are different now." He started but you just shook your head to stop him.

"So what's the story on her anyway. All I know is that she's older than me." You said as the two of you left the room.

"Well from what I understand she's kinda like you-"

"So an enhanced screw up?" You interrupted and raised an eyebrow which only earned you a disappointed look from Pietro.

"-but opposite." He finished his interrupted statement. "You are not a screw up (Y/n)." He said wrapping his arms around your waist as he stepped behind you.

It made it a little more difficult to walk but you made no attempt to break from his grasp. By the time you reached the elevator everyone had gathered around, Pietro and yourself were laughing from tripping over each other.

No one paid the two of you much attention due to the fact that the elevator doors were already beginning to open when you arrived. Inside stood a girl taller than yourself with dark chocolate colored hair. Her eyes were as bark as her hair and she held herself high and with an easy smile.

You knew instantly what Pietro meant when he said she was the opposite if you. Stepping off that elevator came none other than a werewolf. Though you were right too, she was simply an enhanced mess up.

"Everyone, this is Elizabeth." Steve said stepping forward to her side.

"But please just call me Libby." The girl smiled sweetly but her gaze never left Pietro.

Irritation flashed through you but more from jealousy than the whole 'vampire werewolf war' deal. You slide your hand into your boyfriends and her gaze flicked to you. Her smile lost its sweetness but never left her face.

It was in that moment you knew it would be a long year while she was stationed at the tower.


"Please Pietro." The sickening voice whined.

If you heard that one more time you were going to puke. You swore if you had a cavity when you go to the dentist again it would be from hearing that fake sweet voice.

"Not today Libby." He patted her on the head as he walked by before sitting on the couch beside you.

You didn't have to look over to feel her eyes burning into your head. After all, it was a feeling you had gotten used to these past two months.

"Oh no Pietro." You said not looking at him either. "Why don't you go play with your new bestie." You said unable to hide the distaste in your voice.

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