Pick up Lines: Clint X Reader

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You and Clint had been dating for a couple months now and you both enjoyed picking on each other. One small debate could turn into a month long competition. You both would always try and out do the other in whatever you found entertaining, and that is why you ended up spitting cheesy pick up Lines at each other through out the day for almost a week.


You were laying on the couch the day after you had gotten back from a mission. Your head laid on Clint's lap as you both watched a movie.

"So did it hurt?" He asked not looking down.

"What?" You look up confused.

"When you fell from heaven. Did it hurt?" He looked down

"No." You twisted your face to one of mock irritation. "But man did I scrape my knees crawling out of hell." You reached down and lifted a pant leg revealing a scratched knee.

"Well that explains a lot." Tony snorted as he walked past the two of you.


Clint was in the middle of discussing an upcoming mission with Steve and Natasha when you approached him.

"Hey Clint." He looked over at you. "Your hand looks heavy. Let me hold it for you." You say while intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Will this ever end?" Steve asked Natasha who just rolled her eyes.

"Oh it's just starting." She replied.


It was early one morning and you ate a bowl of cereal while Thor sat across from you eating a pop tart. Clint shuffled in and took a seat beside you while sipping on coffee. You were surprised to see him up this early.

"You know Y/n." He stared at his coffee while you looked at him. "Even if there wasn't any gravity here on earth I would still fall for you."

"Aww that's sweet." You smiled but rolled your eyes. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek you stood to leave with your bowl in hand. "But I think I'm still ahead." You winked and walked away.

Thor sat quietly staring at the table. "But that makes no sense. You can't do anything without gravity." He muttered confused.


"Hey Clint." You mumbled around your mouth full of candy as you leaned on the door frame to the bedroom. He looked up from his work. "I have some skittles in my mouth. Wanna taste the rainbow?"

"Hell yeah I do, but only if I can be burger King and you be McDonald's. I'll have it my way and you'll be loving it." He smirked and winked as he started towards you.

Knowing where this was going already you put a hand on his chest not letting him come closer. "That is a really nice shirt. Looks good on you." Your gaze flicked to his eyes. "But it would look better on my floor."

"Oh really? Cuz there is a sale right now in this room. All clothes are 100% off." He smirked and closed the door behind you.


You were in the middle of getting ready to go out to meet Natasha for lunch but you were already running late. You slipped your shoes on but didn't bother tying them as you shrugged on your jacket. You stopped briefly by the kitchen table to grab your phone when you heard Steve sigh.

"Y/n please tie your shoes. I don't need to hear you fell on your face because you overslept." Steve looked up from his news paper.

"Here." Clint motioned for you to come closer. "Let me tie your shoes." He said. "Couldn't have you falling for other guys now can I?" He smirked.

"Okay that's it." Steve put his paper down on the table. "No more of that. It's annoying and cheesy and pointless."

You share a look with Clint before the two of you busted out laughing. "Okay we'll stop, but I totally won that whole thing. You owe me Y/n" Clint smirked at you.

"Yeah yeah." You roll your eyes and kiss him quickly. "But you'll have to wait. I already have other plans." You winked and walked out of the tower.

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