Tony X Reader (requested)

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You sat perched on the bar stool with your ankles crossed. This was the absolute last place you wanted to be right now but your friend somehow convinced you it would be a good idea. So here you sat, nursing a dr. Pepper, at a frat party.

"What's little miss princess doing at a party like this?" A voice cut from your left. It was a voice you knew rather well and it sent a tingle down your spine.

"Dont call me that." You sighed as your gaze fell upon Tony. His signature smirk melted your heart but your eyes showed no emotion.

"Seriously, this isnt your type of scene." He said and leaned on the counter beside you. "So what brought you here to drink what, a soda?"

"My friend wanted a guest." You answered with a shrug and looked back to the living room where your friend was already grinding on someone. "Though it looks like I'll be a party of one on the way back to our dorm." You clipped shortly as you looked back at him.

"Why don't you drink a little. You're too stiff." He said offering his cup of beer.

"No I have a final tomorrow and the last thing I need is to bomb it." You said pushing the cup back to him.

"Fine, suite yourself." He shrugged but eyed you nonetheless. "But what if I told you the soda was spiked?"

"What if I told you I brought my own." You shot back with an amused smirk.

"You brought your own drink to a party." It wasnt a question. "Then I would say you definently need something stronger." He chuckled and you smiled back.

"I'm sorry, my neighbor told me I shouldnt accept drinks from drunk men." You said thinking back to two years ago when you left for college.

"Okay well maybe I was wrong." He laughed and shrugged. "But I'm not drunk, yet."

You rolled your eyes at him. "Okay fine." You said begrudgingly and snatched his cup back. You downed the bitter liquid in one swallow and handed him the empty cup. "Better?"

"Yeah, now we're getting there!" He laughed and pulled you off the bar stool.

The next two hours were a swirling blur of lights, drinks, and blaring music. Most the kids 'retired' to different bedrooms but you sat on the floor playing an odd take on spin the bottle.

"Okay." Some girl yelled over the music. "You spin the bottle and if you dont want to kiss the lucky winner you spin this bottle." She gestured to another one. "And then you drink whichever shot it lands on!" She giggled and placed the main bottle in front of Tony. "You go first." She batted her eyelashes at him as he accepted the challenge.

He placed the empty bottle  on the hardwood floor in front of him and gave it a good twist. The bottle sloshed out the remaining liquid that resided within before coming to rest on none other than yourself. Your heart pounded in your chest as you watched him eye you before he quietly reached over and spun the opposing bottle to decide on a shot of liquor.

Your heart pounded even harder as a chorus of 'oh' hushed out of the drunks around you. Your cheeks burned fire red and you weren't sure if it was disappointment or embarrassment. You had known Tony most of your life but only recently developed the crush on him that soon took over your life, especially when you both started the same college. You knew it was silly to think of him any more than a brother and you should have known he wouldn't kiss you, drunk or not, but it didn't sting any less. Somehow though you seemed more angry than anything, angry with yourself for thinking there could be something there.

Your hand grasped the bottle placed in front of you as you became aware of everyone staring at you. With your chin raised you gave the bottle a good spin and watched it land on the freshman sitting near Tony. His eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed In your eyes he was far from cute, but if it meant getting over, or even under Tony at this point you were willing to do it. Besides, someone had to make this kid like college for more than just booze.

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