Tony X Reader: Baby it's cold outside

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You knocked one more time on the door with a glance over your shoulder at the falling snow. You were about to give up on waiting for an answer when the door whipped open fast enough to draw a little snow inside.

"What are you doing out there. Get in here." Tony said moving aside to let you in. He closed to door behind you and grinned when he saw what was in your hands.

"I wanted to drop this off before the storm got too bad." You said and adjusted the beanie on your head.

"Thank you thank you! Come have a seat." He gestured behind him to the living room.

"Oh no. I can't stay." You shook your head.

"But its cold outside." Tony countered.

"I've got to get going Tony." You explained.

"It was nice to see you,"

"I was hoping you would swing by."

"but it's always nice to see you." You finished as if he hadn't said anything. You offered the thumb drive and his own hand lingered.

"Let me hold your hands they're just like ice." He stated, mildly surprised.

"My mother will start to worry." You started again looking towards the door.

"But what is the hurry?" He asked as he started to guide you to the living room.

"Well father will be pacing be the floor." You frowned.

"Just listen to that fire place roar."

"I really should scurry home." You stated with a pointed stare.

"Beautiful, you dont have to hurry."

You thought a moment before a small smirk played on your lips. "Maybe half a drink?"

"Put on some music while I go get it." Tony grinned and moved to the bar in the kitchen.

"What are the neighbors going to think?" You asked as you accepted the drink.

"Its so bad out there." He avoided the question in a sense.

"Mmm! What is in this drink?" You smiled at his mix.

"There arnt even any cabs running right now." He pointed out.

"Dang I wish I knew,"

"Your eyes are like starlight." He over spoke for the umpteenth time.

"To break your spell." You finished with a smirk.

"Oh let me take your hat, your hair is to nice to have it on." He said gently taking your beanie.

You sighed as you dropped to the couch. "I ought to just say no sir."

"Mind if I sit closer?" He asked from beside you.

"But at least I can say I tried." You shrugged to yourself, and at this point you were only talking to yourself.

"What's the sense in hurting my pride?"

"Tony, I really can't stay." You tried again.

"Oh come on, dont hold out. Baby it's cold outside."

"I really must be going."

"Babe. Its cold outside."

"The answer is no." You tried a little more firmly and stood up.

"(Y/n) it's cold outside!"

"Well Tony, your welcome has been,"

"I'm so lucky you dropped by (Y/n)"

"nice and warm." You said before following his gaze to the large picture window.

"Say, look at that storm." He murmured before looking back at you.

Damn he was persistent. "Well my sister will be suspicious." You said plucking your beanie from the table.

"Your lips look delicious." He said it so softly you almost didn't hear him.

"Not to mention my brother will be at the door." You said, unsure if it came out as a threat or statement.

"Beautiful as waves upon the shore." He added as he watched you.

You swallowed softly and felt your cheeks heat up. "Well my maiden Aunt's mind is vicious." You tried to warn but he had already pressed his lips softly to your own.

You were unsure if it was the drink, or the fact that you had been crushing on Tony for the last few months, but you didn't pull back until he did.

"Your lips are delicious." He smirked, no doubt tasting your cherry chapstick.

"Well." You started to counter yourself now. "Maybe just half a cigarette more."

"Never seen a blizzard like this before." He mused with a smile, though he didn't look outside.

"Okay Tony, seriously, I need to get home." You said with an almost sad smile.

"Sweetheart you'll freeze out there."

"Then lend me a coat." You countered.

"Its gotta be at least up to your knees out there (Y/n)."

You seated your beanie and touched his hand. "You've really been grand."

"I just thrill when you touch my hand."

Your hand rested on the door knob. "But don't you see?"

"How can you do this to me?" He almost whined.

"There is already bound to be talk tomorrow." You said as you took one of his coats by the door.

"Can't you just see my sorrow?" He said raising his hands.

"Well. At least there will be plenty implied." You mused as you finished buttoning the coat.

"What if you got pneumonia and died?" He crossed his arms and stared at you.

"Tony. I really can't stay." You finished with a soft smile.

"Oh get over that old phrase." He said and quickly added, "Baby it's cold outside!", as you opened the door.

A soft chuckle escaped your lips as you closed the door slightly and turned back to him. "Tony." You grinned. "Don't make this weird. I'll see you tomorrow." You said and stepped out into the deep snow despite his efforts to stop you. After all, you only lived two blocks down.

Sorry not sorry if this offends you xD
I think its cute and was fun to write

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