Chapter 1

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Fourteen year old Scott Hoying was sat in his bedroom as always. His legs were pulled up to his chest and his head rested against the wall. The cold wooden floor underneath him chilled his entire body. But that was nothing compared to the rumbling sounds of his step dads voice from downstairs.

"Shut up! It's your fault that it's a fuck up. You're the one that birthed it!" His voice echoed around the house. The words like daggers shooting through Scott's body and hitting him right where it hurt the most.

Scott knew his step dad had been drinking. He knew he would take a small proportion of his anger out on his mother. Then when he was finished he'd come upstairs and let the rest of it out on Scott. Scott's step dad used him as a punching bag. At least he's never hit Mom, Scott thought as he picked at his nails.

The sound of foot steps against wood was heard as someone rushed up the stairs. The door to Scott's bedroom flung open and hit the wall. Scott scooted further into the corner, hoping that the bed would cover him from sight. But it was no use.

The tall mans shadow was the first to come in to contact with Scott's body. His face was a gruesome shade of yellow, with a rough beard that he just couldn't be bothered to shave off. His hands were poised by his sides at the ready.

That's when the first one came. His hand moved in one swift motion through the air and came in contact with Scott's face. Then another. This time a kick. To Scott's legs. Then his stomach.

Scott screamed out for his mother, knowing that she wouldn't come up. She was too scared. Scott tried to shut his mouth, knew he was making it worse by screaming out. He knew if he just shut his mouth it would stop but it was instinct to scream.

With one last kick Scott's head hit the ground. He lay still until he heard his door close again. He counted to five as he heard the footsteps walk away.

Scott squeezed his eyes closed tightly and took a deep breath in. A shot of pain flew up his chest. He could taste the metal like liquid in his mouth coming from his nose. He had to get up. To clean himself up.

He slowly stood up and walked his way to the small mirror and basin in the corner. The water in the basin was beginning to get dirty. Scott knew he'd have to change the water soon. Even that was something dangerous.

He reached his hand into the basin and pulled out the tatty rag. Squeezing the excess water into the basin he pressed it against his nose. His eyes flicked up to look at himself in the mirror. His face was pale with dark circles around his eyes. There was a dark purple bruise on his cheek from yesterday. Scott dropped the rag into the bowl, the water splashing up and over the side of the bowl.

He walked across the room and to the thin mattress on the floor. He flopped onto it and covered himself with the blankets. He closed his eyes tightly, hoping that the sounds of his mother and step fathers moans would stop early tonight.

Scott's P.O.V.

As soon as the sun came through my bedroom window I got up. It was Monday again and I could get away from the house for a couple more hours in the day. I pulled my shirt over my head and looked at myself in the mirror. My ribs were showing through my skin and there was a huge purple bruise on my right side.

It wasn't the fact that he beat me that hurt me the most. It was the fact that my mom would have sex with him ten minutes later. All through the night. It killed me to think that she didn't care. She didn't care that the man that she was fucking had pushed and pounded her only son only ten minutes before.

I walked down the stairs careful to not make a noise and grabbed my backpack. I threw it on my back and ran out the door. I was free. As free as I'd ever be.

I scuffed my feet along the quiet road. No cars would be passing at this early in the morning. Although I wouldn't mind if one came along and bowled me over.

I stepped into the small coffee shop on the corner next to the school. I wouldn't buy anything. It's just a warm place to stay until I am get into school. Most people take the bus but I can see the school from my bedroom window so I guess there's no point. Not that it would make me any more popular to go on the bus anyway.

I watched as different people walked in and out. Business people. High school students. College students. Parents. A group of women. They all seemed in some way happy, but so did I when I was out. I wondered what goes on in there houses. I wondered what it would be like to live in there houses. With the kids that came to school in nice designer clothes that had been washed and didn't have more bruised skin than normal coloured skin.

Yes, teachers have asked. I've been to the principal more times than I can count but I always have to use the same excuses. I was out side and fell off of my bike or I fell from a tree or I slid down a hill. He'd trained me to say those things so that it would look like I was always outside and playing.

My first class was English that day. I sat down in my seat in the back of the class. An empty seat next to me. That's when the bell rung, loudly. The rest of the class piled in, all looking at me. Some with sympathy, others thinking I was the weirdest kid on the planet. They always did though, so it was nothing new to me. I didn't have any friends. I was too scared to talk to any of them.

Mrs Smyth walked in to the class with an arm full of papers. She turned back around and gestured to someone outside the door. In walked a small boy with brown hair, swept to the side. Glasses resting on his nose. Mrs Smyth smiled down at him and then turned to the class.

"Good morning, class." Everyone went quiet, all eyes on the new boy. "This is Mitch Grassi. He is new here. I expect all of you to show him around." She turned back to Mitch. "Take any empty seat." She said.

Mitch's eyes scanned the room. There was a free seat in the front row. There was another off to the side. The third empty seat was next to me. When his eyes found mine he smiled. His eyes flicked down to the seat next to me and he began to walk forward.

He placed his books onto the table and sat down next to me. He turned and smiled. "Hi I'm Mitch." He said. His voice was high for a guy, obviously hadn't broken yet. His eyes were a deep shade of brown,just like his hair. Which looked as soft as a fur blanket. His smile was huge and it made his eyes twinkle.

I looked him up and down before realising I hadn't answered. "I'm Scott."

Hey everyone! Hope you liked the first chapter. This may take a little longer than my other fics cause I don't have it fully planned out. But bare with me on that one. Be sure, if you haven't, to go and read my other fanfictions. If you want.


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