Chapter 33

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Alex's P.O.V.

Something was waking me up from my sleep. A noise. A ringing. I was slowly coming to. I opened my eyes to the darkness. But the ringing was still there. A phone. I turned onto my side and saw my phone vibrating on the night stand.

"Hello?" I said answering the phone. There was dull music on the other end and what sounding like erratic breathing.

"Alex! I've done something stupid." It took me a while to register that it was Scott's voice. Shit! What had he done?

"Where are you?" I asked grabbing my keys, wallet and jacket and walking out the door. I got in the car and closed the door before I heard him answer me.

"I'm at Mitch's." His voice was laced with guilt and I felt that familiar sting of jealousy rush through my chest. Something stupid and Mitch were not two things I would like to here associated with Scott. I breathed out, he was obviously drunk.

"Do you want me to come get you?" I asked holding back my jealousy. He seemed pretty distressed. One thing was I couldn't understand how he had gotten to Mitch's when he was supposedly going to a party.

"Would you? I'm sorry Alex. I really am." Another string of jealousy washed through me. Sorry? Oh Jesus!

"Bye Scott." I hung up, starting the car and driving towards Mitch's. I began to feel an overwhelming surge of anger rush through my veins. They'd both probably got drunk and stumbled to Mitch's apartment and fucked each other.

He had probably just given himself to Mitch. That's not fair. Scott and I have been together for two years and every single time I get further than making out he freaks out. If they get anywhere as far as that I'm going to flip.

Mitch's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry Alex. I really am." Scott was stood on the curb outside my door, his back to me, his shoulders slumped forward. He removed the phone from his ear and sat down on the ground, his head flopping into his hands.

"Scott?" I walked towards him. His body was shaking.

"Please. I don't want to. I can't. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let us...." Scott stuttered.

When the bottle that Scott had spun landed on me, we got a bit carried away. In the end a group of the girls told us to go get a room so Scott and I left. We ended up on a bus and then in my apartment and then I was pinned against the door. Things got heated quickly and then suddenly he was crying. And then he dropped to the floor and was shaking and freaking out.

I sat down on the curb next to him. "Is this because of Alex? I'm sorry if it is. I should have thought. Or is it because of....." I stopped myself, because he placed his hand in mine.

"It's because of Alex and being a kid and you. I'm scared to have sex with anyone because of what happened. I'm sad because I'm with Alex and I think I might be in love with you but I'm with Alex and I love him too. At least that's what I think. And I'm scared! I'm scared so much Mitch. So so much. I don't know what to do. I don't want to lose Alex as someone in my life but we've never been friends we've always been boyfriends. And... And..." His voice cracked as his head fell into my lap. My heart was pounding and tears were falling down my face.

Scott was trembling in my arms when Alex pulled up. He quickly jumped out of the car and came to Scott's side. But Scott flinched when he felt him by his side. I could tell he just wanted to get away from everything. He didn't want to tell Alex but he didn't want to lie to him either.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Alex asked putting his hand onto Scott's back. I felt like I was a burden there. Scott just wanted me for someone to lean on. He really just wanted Alex. I bet he did. He probably just wanted to kiss me so he could have someone different for once.

"I'm going to bring him inside." I whispered more to myself than to Alex. Scott could talk to him in there and I could get out of the way. So I took Scott under the shoulder and began to walk him towards my door, Alex following behind. You'd think he'd offer to help, considering this was his boyfriend.

When I got him up the stairs, I sat him on the couch. I went out to the kitchen and stood at the sink, breathing in and out. That was when the muffled voices began.

I expected Alex to come out and punch me any minute. I expected to hear Scott crying. I expected to hear shouting and then the door slamming. I was ready to deal with whatever I had to but none of it came. There was no shouting, no fighting, no angry Alex running to me and punching me in the face. Nothing.

My mind was swimming. Those kisses were so amazing. He is such an amazing kisser. And he is the funniest and nicest person in the world. He told me he loved me out there. Maybe he would come out and kiss me now. Maybe he would break up with Alex. He's the love of my life I know it. I wished he would come and kiss me and love me and never leave me.

The silence was killing me, so I decided to walk in there and tell Alex myself. To tell him that I loved Scott and that we had just made out. That he was the most amazing person in the world to me and then we could run off into the sunset and all be happy.

I walked along the hall and stopped outside the closed sitting room door. There was silence. I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it. The door swung open a little at my push. I felt like I was going to vomit at the site. Scott and Alex were making out on my couch. Full on making out.

I felt the feeling of jealousy move around my body as I boiled over like a volcano. "Get out!" I shouted, startling both of them. Alex stood up and Scott blinked at me, his mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

"Get out of my house!" I shouted, walking into the room and pushing Alex's back. "You too, get out!" I pulled on Scott's arm and he stood, his face pale.

"I...Mitch..." He stuttered, I walked behind them to my front door.

"Save it, Scott. Go home!" I shouted, slamming the door in their faces. I slid my back down the door and let out a strangled cry. I felt my heart shatter as my eyes filled and refilled with tears over and over.

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