Chapter 32

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That week went slowly. The air around Scott and Mitch was awkward. Something wasn't right. They truly needed to talk about what happened on Saturday night. The air around Scott and Alex was awkward. Alex was seemingly walking on egg shells. He thought about everything he said before he said it. He thought about everything he did before he did it.

Scott stayed as far away from human interaction as he could. He ate in his car. He arrived to college ten minutes before it started so he didn't have to talk to anyone. When he noticed someone walking towards him he picked up his phone and pretended to be talking to someone. He went for runs every evening. He was avoiding every type of human interaction, good or bad.

Mitch invited Shane down for the weekend (new boyfriend). Since Scott had been trying to keep away from people he missed human interaction. He wanted to be touched, to be talked to. Yes, he had friends but they weren't close close. He needed someone to be glued to the side of. He needed to be able to follow someone around when he didn't know what to do. He was lonely.

It was Thursday, Scott was sat in his car, contemplating whether he should get out or not. He had been feeling more and more helpless as the week had gone on. That was when he heard a tap on his window. He jumped and his head turned. He recognised the girl standing there to be Beca. She was one of the girls who was in the choir and the orchestra and was brilliant at everything she did. She owned a Ferrari and always dressed in designer clothes. She must be rich, Scott thought.

Scott realised he couldn't just ignore now that he had made eye contact so he opened his door and stepped out. She gave him a bright smile. "Scott, right?" She asked and Scott nodded, beginning to walk towards the building, hoping she would follow, which she did.

"Um... I was wondering. We're having a house party on Saturday if you wanted to come. Parents are away so I thought I'd take advantage." She said. Her one down side, Scott thought. She still lived with her parents. No wonder she had everything. She didn't have to pay for accommodation.

"Who's we're?" Scott asked, only after he said the words did he realise how rude he was being. He stopped walking and turned to face her, smiling a little. "Sorry. Uh.... Yeah sure." Scott corrected himself. He thought he may as well get out for a night. Maybe it would get him out of this funk he had been in for the last week.

"Hey, Mitch!" Beca called catching Mitch just as he walked out of the college. He stopped and turned, bearing a wide smile at her. "Just the guy I've been looking for." She said.

"Ooh! I feel so special. What do you want?" Mitch asked, grinning at her.

"House party on Saturday. You wanna come?" She asked. Her language was much more relaxed when she talked to Mitch than when she talked to Scott. It probably didn't help that she had a massive crush on Scott.

"Sure. What time?" Mitch asked, rocking on the balls of his feet.

"Nine thirty." She said and then they left each other.

So as Saturday rolled on both Scott and Mitch left their apartments, neither realising that the other would be there. Both of them ready to take their minds off of the last week. Scott said bye to Alex and closed the front door.

When Scott finally pulled up outside the huge house he got out. It had taken him a while to find the place and it was now ten pm. Better late than never he thought. He could hear the music inside the house as he walked up the path. A couple people were sat in a circle on the lawn smoking. He opened the door and was immediately met by a huge crowd of people.

Scott's heart rate bounced with the bass of the music playing. There were people making out in every corner. People dancing. People sitting on the ground. He felt himself being pushed forward as some more, already drunk, people arrived. He got pushed into a circle of people taking shots.

"Heyyyy! You want one?" One of the guys asked, his words slurring together. Scott shook his head. "Come on, dude. They taste great." The guy shouted handing him a shot. Scott looked at it uneasy and then at the group of people with their eyes glued to him. They were all nodding their heads, so Scott did what they wanted and tipped the shot down his throat. He was immediately met with a burning sensation in his throat and then his head began to spin, as a buzz went through him.

Before he knew it he had had at least ten shots and three bears and he started to dance. Some girl was dancing with him, sidling up to him a bit, making him feel highly uncomfortable. But he didn't care, he was having fun with the guys around him.

That was when Scott felt a hand on his arm. He turned to see Beca. "Want to play spin the bottle?" She shouted over the music. Scott nodded and she lead him to a circle of people on the other side of the room. He felt himself sit on the ground in the circle of people. His eyes fell on the guy sat across from him. Mitch!

Mitch smirked, feeling the familiar feeling of alcohol running through his veins. He watched as Scott raised an eyebrow and smirked back. One of the girls in the circle reached down and spun the empty wine bottle on the ground. It landed on Beca. Mitch wasn't paying attention to them though. He was watching Scott's reaction. He obviously has never played this game before, Mitch thought.

The bottle landed on Scott and Beca looked at him before kissing him smack on the lips. He broke away quickly, laughing loudly. He obviously has never gotten drunk before either, Mitch thought.

Scott reached down to the bottle and spun it. It revolved around and around and began to slow and slow. It then came to a full stop. Scott followed the top of the bottle with his eyes and there directly in front of the bottle top was Mitch. Mitch smirked and leaned forward, connecting their lips.

Suddenly it was like they were the only people in the whole house. The room seemed to go quiet as Scott's hand moved up to Mitch's cheek. A bolt of electricity shook through their bodies, maybe their heads spin and their lips tingle. This kiss was completely different to the one they shared on Saturday. This kiss was fiery and rough but passionate at the same time. Mitch shifted to get closer to Scott, his legs straddling Scott's waist as they continued to kiss. The kiss got deeper and deeper. Scott ran his tongue along Mitch's bottom lip and Mitch opened his mouth to let Scott's tongue in. Scott's back was pressed against the foot of the couch.

"Leave them, let's play on." One of the girls said as they got bored of watching the two boys make out. Mitch had needed this and so had Scott. They had both been without human contact for a week and this was what they had to do to make up for it.

Mitch was the one to break the kiss, only to rejoin them again when he had caught his breath. Scott's hands travelled down Mitch's back, craving his touch.

While as this happened neither of them thought of their boyfriends. They had no thought in their heads. Just the ones of each other.

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