Chapter 30

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I took Scott's phone from him and dialled for Alex's number. Then I turned around and walked towards the kitchen, taking a deep breath. We nearly kissed. It's all good. But we nearly kissed.

"Hello?" Alex's voice was quiet on the other end.

"Hi, Alex. It's Mitch." I said. I heard him breath out. It was like a weight was taken off of his shoulders or something. He must be worrying himself sick over there. Not knowing where Scott had run off to.

"Is he alright? Is he there with you? I didn't mean to I swear, Mitch. I stopped straight away. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable." Alex said frantically. I could almost hear him pacing his bedroom floor.

"Calm down, Alex. He's here. He's gonna stay here tonight. But he's not mad at you. He just needs to relax for a couple of hours, you know what it's like for him. But trust me he's not mad at you, if anything he's mad at himself." I told him.

"He shouldn't be mad at himself. It's not his fault. God I shouldn't have done that. He's never wanted to do any of that before. But I just got carried away and..." He continued to ramble. It made my heart ache that Scott had someone who truly cared and loved him and was with him. If only that person was me. Wait.... What am I thinking? No that can't happen!

"Hey, Alex just calm down. Try to get some sleep tonight. He's fine trust me. You don't need to worry." I told him.

"Okay. Thanks for taking care of him Mitch. Just tell him that I'm sorry and I love him." He said. We said goodbye and I hung up after that.

I then went into the sitting room were Scott was curled up on the sofa. His legs were tucked under him and his back was straight. He stared straight ahead at the blank TV screen. He still hasn't gotten used to the fact that he was allowed to turn the TV on whenever he liked here.

I had noticed things like that though. He used to just walk into our house. He would grab his own food. Use the shower. Turn the TV on. Treat our house like his own. Ever since he has got out of that care home he hasn't done that. He makes sure everyone is okay with what we're watching. He eats at certain times in the day. He shares everything. But I guess you have to do that in a house full of kids.

I sat down next to him, leaning back. I handed him three take out menus. "I spoke to Alex. He says that he's sorry and that he loves you." Scott stared at me blankly, he's breathing hitched when I said the last two words. "You can choose what take out you want...." I began.

"Oooh Mexican. We should get that. I love Mexican food." Scott said, making me giggle. He seemed have a bit of his usual life back in him. I felt his phone vibrate in my hand and handed it to him.

"Hello, Blaze." He said picking it up. I frowned. Blaze? I vaguely recognised the name. Something to do with Florida. "And to what do I owe this pleasure?.... Birthday?..... Two months away..... I'd say Alex and I could get tickets..... Of course I'd love to..... Is there anyone else there?...." I could only hear one end of the conversation but he seemed to be passed along a row of people because he had about six different conversations before he hung up.

"The kids. They wanted to know would Alex and I come over for Jake's birthday in two months." Scott said before I could ask who it was. He almost read my mind.

We settled down and got the Mexican food delivered and then watched Titanic. Which didn't go down well as both Scott and I were crying by the end of it. He then lay down and placed his head in my lap as the credits rolled up.

"Love is so strange." He whispered, looking up at the ceiling. I smiled at his innocent looking face. He is so cute.

"What do you mean?" I asked, absentmindedly playing with his hair.

"Like, you don't know the feeling of being in love until you are in love and you're supposed to know that the feeling you are feeling is love. Do you get me?" I nodded.

"But I think that love is such a powerful feeling that you just instantly know that you are in love with the person." I said, twirling a strand of his blonde hair around my finger, feeling how soft it was on my fingertip.

"I don't know though.... Alex tells me a lot. He says I love you. And I can never seem to say it back although I do love him. I think. He's amazing and beautiful and hilarious and he's so talented. I just don't know.... I think I'm in love with him but I don't know..." He said. I gulped at him spilling his feelings. If only he knew how I felt right at that moment. But acting on my feelings was gonna get me no where.

"I think you should just give yourself time. You don't need to say them if you don't truly feel them. I think he understands. By the way he was on the phone I think he understands." I said, pulling my hand away and placing it behind my neck.

"You know w-when we were together?" Scott stuttered. I nodded. "You said you loved me. You just said there that you don't need to say them if you don't truly feel them. Did you? Because I could answer you straight away when you said it." Scott was slow with his words, almost embarrassed.

I stayed silent for a minute. "Of course I truly meant them." I whispered. His eyes widened as he sat up a little, resting his elbows on my knees. I could almost tell what he was going to do and I thought maybe it was just a one of thing. Maybe it would mean nothing. Just something that would help me get over him. So I followed my instincts and leant in.

As our lips met, I melted. Sparks seemed to fly around my skull. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. My lips seemed to be on fire. But this was going to help me get over him. Wasn't it?

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