Chapter 2

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I walked in the door of my house and was immediately bombarded with questions. "How was your first day at school?" "What were the teachers like?" "Did you make any friends?" My parents were so excitable sometimes.

"It was good." I stated because that's all it was. "It was good but nothing more. I mean school is school. It was fine." My parents stepped back from me and smiled. I dropped my backpack by the stairs and looked at them.

"That's good. Do you want dinner?" Mom asked. I shook my head.

"I'll get some later. I've got homework." I lied. I didn't get that much homework but there was something I needed to check out. Mom nodded and I grabbed my bag and rushed up the stairs.

I flung myself onto the bed and grabbed my laptop. I had a knack at these things now. Even though it is bad to hack a school website but this was for research purposes right? I shook my head and quickly typed in the school website. Once there I clicked on the teacher section. It came up with a log in page. I closed my eyes and tried to remember. I had seen about ten teachers type in a different name today, I must remember one. That's it, Jessica Dunne, biology. Now the password. It's probably something really stupid like the name of the school or password1 or something. I tried both and to my luck password1 was the right answer.

"Idiots." I chuckled under my breath as the page came up. That was obviously the attendance page for the next morning. I scrolled downwards to find the 10th grade list of names. Clicking on it I had to find him now. His last name. What was his last name. I could remember back to the books on his desk in English class. It began with a H. Scott H...... Hoying. That was it. I scrolled down the page to find his name and clicked on it.

I needed to know something about. He was rather odd. I had quite a few classes with him today and the only words I heard him utter were 'I'm Scott.' That was all. No teacher asked him questions. No one sat next to him. He wore dirty, seemingly old, clothes. The worst part of it all was that he had a large purple bruise on the side of his face. The teachers must have noticed. He looked tired too, like he hadn't slept all night.

We got a pop quiz in history. That was one of the classes we had together. Mr Robinson was a rather hard handed man. When he put the paper down on Scott's desk, he flinched, Scott did. He flinched backwards. He then looked around him to make sure no one had seen. Then he picked up his pencil and hid his face behind his hand again.

Once the page on Scott Hoying had come up I scanned through it.
Name: Scott Richard Hoying
DOB: September 17, 1991
I didn't want to know any of that stuff. I scrolled down again to find recorded. His grades were A's and B's. So he wasn't stupid then. As I scrolled down even further I stumbled across the word behaviour. I read through that one.

"Scott has a tendency to be on his own. We often find bruises and cuts on his body. The parents have been informed. They say it is down to playing in the outdoors. We have also taken into account that he has a very prominent anger. Small things can set him off into a large outrage. No suspected signs of Bipolar or Schizophrenia."

Anger? Maybe that's why the teachers don't ask him things. Maybe he'll go off in a tantrum. That's weird.

Further down I found living conditions. I read through that too.

"Scott lives with his mother and step father. No records of his father have been found. Address: Apartment 4, Silversprings Block." So they didn't live in a house.

"Kids, dinner." Mom called from downstairs. I closed my laptop and rushed downstairs to the dining room. I sat down in the chair next to my sister and across from my dad. Mom placed a plate in front of each of us and the brought over two dishes. One had spaghetti in it. The other had Bolognese sauce. I took a deep breath through my nose and the smell of tomatoes and beef filled it.

I began to fill my plate as my sister dribbled on about how great her first day was. How she had made so many friends and they were all so nice. I rolled my eyes and began to spin the spaghetti around my fork.

I couldn't stop thinking about Scott though. It was really weird. He looked like such a nice person. Why would no one want to be friends with him? He wasn't stupid either. My mind raced with possible solutions as to why he was so secluded from everyone else. Maybe he's just shy. Maybe you just need to get to know him first. How can I get to know him if he doesn't talk? But I didn't make an effort to talk to him either. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and talk to him tomorrow.

"Mitch, what thoughts are you battling?" My dad asked, snapping me out of my head. I looked up and realised that everyone was finished their dinner but I had barely started.

"Where's Silversprings Block?" The words spilling out of my mouth before I could think of reason as to why I was asking that.

"It's on the other side of town, just a couple hundred meters from the school. It's quite a dingy little tower block. Drug dealers usually hide out there. Why are you asking son?" Dad asked the inevitable question.

I blushed, not knowing my answer. I couldn't just tell him, oh I hacked into the school website and want to know where a kid in my class lives. When I think about it like that it sounds like I'm stalking the guy. I'm not though.

"Do you have a crush already, Mitch?" My sister asked poking her elbow into my side. I turned to her and glared.

"No, it's a boy in my class lives there." I whispered, filling my mouth with more pasta.

"I knew it." She said in triumph, slamming her fist down on the table, making the plates rattle. My dad looked at her and shock his head, smirking a little.

"Just cause it's a guy doesn't mean I have to have a crush on him." I kicked her under the table. She smirked, knowing that I couldn't kick hard enough to actually hurt her. I had only just told my family about the whole gay thing, before we moved here. They were the only ones who knew and I planned on keeping it that way for a long time.

"What about this boy then?" Dad asked as Mom got up from the table and began to clear the plates.

"He's a bit odd." I began to explain everything that I had noticed to my dad and his face dropped lower and lower with every one of my words. I failed to mention the fact that I hacked into the school website because that would get me in to trouble. "Do you think there is something going on with him?" I asked as I finished my explanation.

"I don't know, son. I'm sure it's nothing. He's probably just one of those kids." Dad said standing back up and walking away. I pushed my chair out from the table and gave my plate to Mom before rushing back upstairs again. I had to know more about him.

I failed to mention earlier that this story is rather triggering. It contains child abuse, sexual abuse and suicidal thoughts. So if any of that triggers you please, please don't read.


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