Chapter 8

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For the next few days Scott and Mitch's relationship carried on like that. They would not talk in school and then they would go back to Mitch's house. They would work on their project and talk and maybe make out just a little.

Even when they had finished their project they continued to go to Mitch's house to talk and study. They became close friends. And Scott began to open up. He seemed changed in himself. Putting his hand up to answer a question in class. Smiling back at anyone who smiled at him.

Mitch had also discovered that Scott loved Pokemon and Zelda. He turned out to be a real nerd when it came to computer games. They would sit for hours on end playing a game on Mitch's play station.

On the Sunday of the second week that the two boys had begun to hang out Scott came over to Mitch's house early. He knocked on the door and waited for the answer. Although he didn't really expect anyone to answer at ten am. He just wanted to get out of the house before his step father woke up. His mother hadn't come home that weekend and his step father decided to take his anger about that out on Scott. Plus Scott was hungry. And he knew that he would get fed at the Grassi's. They had taken him in like their own child.

The door opened and Scott's eyes lit up. "Hi, Mr Grassi." Scott smiled at the short man stood in front of. Mr Grassi smiled back.

"Scott, how many times have I told you, it's Mike." Mike rolled his eyes as Scott walked in to the house. "You're early today. What got you out of bed so early on a Sunday?"

Scott swallowed hard. What was he going to say? He hadn't thought of that. "Um.... I was on a run and was passing so.... I thought I'd drop by and see how everyone was." Scott improvised, grabbing a slice of toast from the plate on the dining table.

"You were here until one am last night, Scott. Not that we don't love having you here! You make Mitch so happy." Mike said. Scott blushed. He didn't really know what type of relationship they had. They weren't boyfriends. But they weren't best friends either. Best friends don't make out with each other on a regular basis.

He makes me happy too, Scott thought but chose not to say it as just then a sleepy looking Mitch walked through the kitchen door.

He sleepily walked to the dining table and sat down in the seat next to the one that Scott had just chosen to occupy. Mitch absentmindedly poured himself a glass of orange juice and grabbed a slice of toast. As he was buttering the toast he felt a presence beside him. He stopped what he was doing and turned his head to the side. His eyes went wide.

"Oh my god! Sorry, I didn't see you." Mitch apologised, completely awake now. Scott rolled his eyes and nodded his head.

"Scott, hi. How are you?" Nel (Mitch's Mom) said when she walked in the room. Scott smiled at her.

"I'm good Nel. See even your mom noticed me. You're such a great friend!" Scott said sarcastically, poking Mitch's side. Mitch jumped bending away from Scott as that uncomfortable tickling feeling whizzed around his body.

"Ow! I bit my tongue." Mitch said, making a fake angry face at Scott. Scott, however, turned pale and pushed his chair back a little, realising he had hurt Mitch.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-to." He stuttered a little looking down at his hands. Mitch frowned for real now and turned to look at his parents who were turned around, talking about something.

Mitch moved his hand up to Scott's chin and pushed his head up. "Hey, it's ok. It's not your fault." He said. He looked to the side again to make sure his parents weren't watching before quickly swooping forward and pecking Scott's lips.

Scott's eyes went wide and he smiled at Mitch. That's when Mitch's parents turned back around. "We're going to church. Do you boys want to come too?" Nel asked. Mitch shook his head and so did Scott. "So we'll see you in a couple of hours." Nel told them as they began to walk out the door.

"Bye." Mitch and Scott said at the same time. They rushed up the stairs together and Mitch began to set up the play station.

Scott rested his head against the bed and stared off into space. "Your parents are so nice." He whispered breaking the silence. Mitch turned his head and smiled.

"Yeah they are. I need to meet your parents soon." Mitch said. Scott gulped. What was he going to say to that? He couldn't just out right tell him that his step dad abuses him and his mom never comes home.

"They're busy a lot of the time." Scott said thinking in the spot.

"I've noticed." Mitch said. He didn't fully believe Scott when he said his parents were busy. He said it too quickly and Mitch knew by now that Scott always took his time before speaking because he didn't wan to offend anyone with a statement.

To Mitch, Scott always seemed to be treading on egg shells. He was so careful with what he said or did. And whenever he did something wrong he apologised like his life depended on it. Mitch was worried that there was something that Scott wasn't telling him. Something serious.

"Why don't you ever wear short sleeved clothes anymore?" Mitch blurted, startling Scott.

"I get cold easily." Scott said.

"You never talk about your family. What's it like at home?" Mitch asked.

Scott began to sweat. "My mom works away from home so I don't see her very much. Dad ran away when I was three. Step dad has been around since I was twelve. That's it really." Scott said grabbing the remote to start the game. He begged that Mitch would not ask any more questions. And his wish came true, for a while.

That was until the middle of the game, he paused it. He took the remote from Scott's hands and placed it on the floor. He moved his body so that they were facing each other.

"What aren't you telling me?" Mitch asked. He moved in close to Scott so their foreheads were pressed together. Scott smiled and shook his head.

"Nothing. I'm just not all that interesting is all." Scott moved to try and kiss Mitch but he pulled away.

"I thinking you are extremely interesting." Mitch said making Scott giggle. He leaned in and their lips connected. They both loved these type of tender kisses. So soft and gentle. Like they were both trying to say I love you but not daring to say it out loud for fear that the other would laugh in their face or say they were too young to be in love. Especially as they had only started doing this two weeks before that. But they knew deep down that it was what they wanted it to be.

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