Chapter 6

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One year later

Scott's P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could away from the shop. The two apples and the sandwich safely stored in my back pack. I turned the corner into an alleyway and ran down to the bins in the middle of it. I stopped and slid down the wall onto the ground.

As my breathing began to slow down I threw my back pack to the side and unzipped it. Reaching into it I took out the sandwich that I had just stolen. I ripped open the plastic and took out the sandwich, stuffing it in to my mouth. I sighed as I felt it slowly slip down my throat and into my empty stomach. "So good." I whispered, resting my head against the brick wall behind me.

Mom has began to work away from the house now. I don't blame her really. She only comes home on Saturdays. She says that it's because we are struggling for money, that she wouldn't do it for any other reason but I know that's a lie. I know she just wants to get away from Him.

He's stopped feeding me. The scraps from his dinner are what I scavenge off of. And stealing from grocery stores. The biggest ones are the easiest to steal from. People are too distracted to notice me slip an apple or a pre made sandwich into my bag.

I stayed out as late as I could, only going back to the house to do chores, hoping that He'd be passed out on the couch or in His bed.

It had stopped for a while. In the summer. The beatings. The rape. It had all stopped for a couple of weeks. I thought things were going to be good. He fed me. He bought me new clothes. We went to the beach. The cuts began to heal. The bruises disappeared.

I found out on the Friday of the second week that social services were coming over to inspect the house. That's when I knew. It had all been a show. Things would go right back to normal the second the social services walked out of the front door.

And that's exactly what happened. I didn't dare open my mouth when they were here. Maybe if I didn't open my mouth He'd let me off for a couple more nights but He didn't. The door closed and they were going. He counted to ten and then he pounced.

I began to walk home as the sun went down. I wished that I would turn eighteen soon. I could leave then. I wouldn't have to be under His spell. Trapped in His house. Under His command. But that seemed to be years away. It was years away. Maybe I'd never make it to then.

I shook my head kicking a stone off the sidewalk. Look at me, a fifteen year old thinking about ending his life. Think about the positives Scott. Things always get better. But somehow I couldn't seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel or any positives in my life.

That's when I saw him. The kid that I had kissed last year. The one that tried to be my friend when no one else would even look at me and I pushed him away. Mitch and I haven't talked since that day that we kissed.

Mitch's P.O.V.

"We should go to LA together." Kirstie suggested as we walked the road to Starbucks. Kirstie and I had become friends last year. She did musical theatre and had music class with me. We began to talk and she became my best friend.

"We should." I said absentmindedly as I looked across the road. There was Scott Hoying, strolling on his way home. Weirdo, I thought as we turned the corner.

Scott's P.O.V.

I slumped in the door, closing the door quietly. I tip toed along the hall, peering into the sitting room. The TV was blaring, the only light in the room and there He lay, snoring loudly, head tilted back, bottles on the ground at the foot of the couch.

I walked past the sitting room into the kitchen. I filled a glass with water and grabbed an Advil. I walked back to the sitting room, placing the glass and Advil on the coffee table and picking up the empty bottles.

I walked back out the back doors and dumped the bottles in the garbage.

I then walked back into the sitting room. I turned off the TV and sighed at the silence. I stood for a minute. "Hey, kid." I jumped turning around and dropping the remote to the ground. He glared at me and held His head as the sound of the remote rang throughout the room.

"Sorry." I whispered. I could physically feel my body shrinking. I was a twelve year old again. Back when He first came to live with us. He shook my hand and told me who He was. A week into Him staying with us I began to talk to him. He asked me to tell Him all of my secrets. And I decided that I trusted this guy. I told Him that I didn't like girls, that I like guys. That's when He started it. He tried to hit the gay out of me.

"If you're sorry enough you'll get me off tonight. I'm horny." He said harshly spitting the words at me. I wished that I had the power to disappear. Or to drop dead there and then. I wished everything could just go away.

I closed my eyes as I heard him stand up and walk towards me. "Open your eyes." He demanded. I couldn't though. Maybe if I didn't open my eyes he would think I was not here. Whack! A hard smack came to my cheek, sending vibrations through my body and done to my toes.

My eyes snapped open. "Good." He sneered, a snide smile appearing on his face. His teeth were almost all black. His body towered over me like a monster.

"You know the drill." He said. I shook my head. I couldn't do it this time. I couldn't let him take advantage of me. He hit me over the back of the head. "You will do it." I shook my head again.

"You don't own me." I said as tears came to my eyes. He grabbed the back of my head and tugged on my hair. Pulling me foreword he threw me across the hall and into his bedroom. He slammed me down on the bed. I tried to get up but he straddled my waist and held me down.

"Help!!!!" I screamed. Just like every time he did this I screamed. Hoping that someone would hear me but just like every other time no one heard. No one cared.

He pulled down my jeans quickly and swiftly and then did the same to himself. He began to pull on his length as he looked me in the eyes. I wished he would disappear.

As he began to enter me I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else. School. Books. Movies. Nothing was enough to distract me from the fact that my step dad was raping me!

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