Chapter 39

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Mitch's P.O.V.

I had finally moved Scott to the couch after what seemed like hours of me holding him in the doorway of my apartment. He sat bolt upright on the couch, his hands on his thighs and his eyes staring ahead. In that moment he looked like the thirteen year old boy that was sat under the oak tree in the garden outside the school. He had dark circles under his eyes and the colour had drained from his face.

I went out to my kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and downing it in one. I had to hold back tears, I could not cry in front of him when I had just seen what I had just seen. I grabbed the first aid kit and took it back out to the sitting, where Scott was still sat.

I now noticed how his shoulders slumped forward in defeat. There were deep creases in his forehead like he was in pain. But I'm sure he was just thinking. Thinking about what had just happened and where he was and why I had taken him out of that house.

I knelt down in front of him and his eyes met mine. The blue in them had definitely become paler in the last few months. I carefully lifted his shirt over his head, revealing his chest again. I was taken aback when I saw the bruises. They weren't as bad as before. I remembered that there was no skin that wasn't bruised last time. But this time there was odd bruises, outlining his ribs and his collar bones. There was a couple of lashes on his arms, some that were scabbed over, some still bleeding.

I quickly took out disinfectant spray and a bandage. I spray it on and he flinched. "Sorry." He whispered. Again my heart broke. He was saying sorry for flinching!

"It's okay. I should have warned you that it stung." I whispered back, wrapping the bandage around his arm and securing it with medical tape. I was lucky that I had watched my mother do this to him before. I knew how to tie everything and where to spray the stuff. I was also lucky that Avi was the most paranoid when it came to getting injured, so he stocked up with hundreds of bandages and medical crap!

I could feel his eyes on me. He was watching my every movement. I thought about making some remark about how it was rude to stare or am I really that beautiful but I knew he would say sorry and I didn't want him to think I was anything like Alex or his step dad!

I finished, pulling his sweater back over his head and sitting down next to him. "How long has it been happening?" I asked, breaking the silence. May as well start right at the deep end. Scott turned to look at me. His eyes softened and his hair flopped to the side. He didn't answer. "I'm not going to hurt you, Scott. You can talk to me." Scott's eyes widened.

"I know you would never hurt me! I'm sorry!" He said, shocked at my words. Only now did I realise that I had his hand in mine. I squeezed it reassuringly. "It started the day that I... I asked you to..." He stopped himself.

"That was six months ago, Scotty! Aww, I'm so sorry. I didn't notice." I whispered. He looked at me. His eyes were soft and welcoming.

"I'm good at hiding things like that. No one noticed last time. Why should anyone notice this time?" He asked.

"I should have noticed. I was too busy caught up in my own little world to notice. I was too caught up in being jealous. Jealous that you had someone and I didn't! Jealous because I couldn't have you!" My hand flew up to my mouth in shock. Why did I just say that? Scott looked astonished at my words.

"I'm sorry. I should probably go. All I'm doing is hurting you here!" Scott said starting to stand. I kept my grip on his hand though.

"I am not letting you go back to him. I wouldn't do that. You aren't hurting me." I stood up and blocked his exit. Then he gave me a look I would never forget. His eyes lit up and his face cleared of all worry. He was thanking me. Thanking me for not letting him go. He knew that what Alex was doing wasn't right. He knew that he was better off here.

"Alex will find me." He whispered. His features becoming serious again. He tried to push past me. "I don't want him to hurt you." He said.

"I'm not going to let him hurt me. I'm also not going to let him hurt you!" I said. Scott stood there. His face wasn't showing any emotional signs now. I realised that my voice had been raised and I was demanding things. Scott stepped back, letting go of my hand.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. Stepping away from the door. His shoulders slumped forward again and he made himself smaller. He was scared. Of me? Of Alex? Of everybody!

"I'm not like him. I will not hurt you. Please, just don't be scared of me. I... I love you." I whispered the last part. Scott looked down at his feet. His face turned red. Then he looked back up.

"I love you too." He whispered. I felt my stomach leap at his words. I knew he wouldn't leave at the point. I knew he would be okay. I was going to keep him safe. So I stepped forward.

Our eyes met and I got lost in the colour. It was like we were fifteen again. We were sat in my bedroom. My hand moved up to his cheek and I gently closed the gap between us. Our lips connected and I felt my whole body leap. My heart was pounding and my head spinning and I felt that spark that I had been craving for months.

It was a start but this boy needed fixing. He had been through too much and I wanted to make everything better!

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