Chapter 21

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Alex's P.O.V.

The kids watched as Scott ran out of the room. He looked almost in shock. Like he had just committed a serious crime.

"Where did he go?" Blaze asked, looking over towards the door. Jake and Lily looked at me in confusion. Maybe they thought I knew why he had just run out of the room nearly in tears.

"I think he's upset." I whispered. "Put the guns down, yeah?" The kids still confused placed the Nerf guns in a pile on the table.

"We should go and talk to him." John said, looking at the group. I stopped them before they could move though.

"No, he's new round here remember. We still don't even know why he's in here. We're gonna give him some space." I told them and they all nodded.

"Dinner!" Michael called up the stairs.thoughts of Scott were forgotten by the kids as they switched to thoughts of their stomach. They all ran in a cluster down to the kitchen. I stopped outside my room. Tempted to knock. But decided against it. He obviously needed some space. He'd been here nearly two weeks and this was the first time he had shown any sign of being scared.

I sat down in my chair at the kitchen table. "Pizza party Friday night." Michael cheered as he placed two pizzas on the table. He looked towards me and the empty chair next to me. He frowned as if to say 'where's Scott'. I pointed up to the ceiling and then closed my eyes as if to say, 'he's sleeping.'

I took a slice of pizza and listened to the usual buzz of conversation. The twins fought over their slice of pizza. Holly and Sarah gossiped about boys at school. Lindsay, Lily and John talked about football and basketball. And Finn listened to Blazes account of the events in the playground in school.

Martha walked in and looked around the room. She sniffed taking in the smell of Michaels homemade pizza. I watched as she walked over to Michael. "I told you, healthier food, Michael. I will not have you cooking them pizza every Friday." She hissed at him. Michael sighed.

"Okay, how was everyone's day?" Martha exclaimed clapping her hands, silencing the group. She looked around the table. "Where's Scott?" She said looking at me.

"He's... Uh... He's asleep. Didn't feel well. He's okay though. He said not to worry." I rambled. Martha nodded her head suspiciously and continued her speech.

After dinner I went and finished homework. And at ten pm I went up to bed. I slowly opened the door. Scott was sat on his bed, his elbows resting against his knees which were pulled up against his chest and his head was in his hands. His back was as far against the wall as it possibly could get.

I sat down on my bed, not knowing what to say. The truth was I didn't know much about him. He had been here two weeks. All I knew was that he had never been in care before, he had a best friend back in Texas where he was from, he sang like an angel and he had terrible nightmares every night.

"Are you alright?" I asked, feeling my heart race. This always happened when I talked to him. I always became like a school girl. That's why I was so uncomfortable with the closeness between him and his best friend. Mitch I think his name was. They flirted and told each other that they loved each other. Scott tells me that they're friends but I'm not sure.

"I'm fine." Scott said abruptly, not even making the effort to lift his head. I felt my heart drop. I went through everything I had said back there. The only thing that really stuck out was 'you scare me'. But I was joking. He had to know I was joking.

"You don't scare me, Scott. Was that what frightened you? I was only playing along." I said, trying to get him to look up. Which worked because he did look up and I immediately wished he hadn't. His eyes were red and bloodshot, like he was on drugs.

"I had you by the collar. I was threatening you." Scott said, his voice was shaky and hoarse.

"It was a game. It's okay. I shouldn't have said that." I whispered. Silence fell over us. The only sound coming from the kitchen where Michael was making bread for tomorrow. "This wouldn't have anything to do with your nightmares would it?" I asked breaking the silence.

Scott's eyes went wide. "I didn't think they were that obvious. Sorry. Does it keep you awake?" He asked. Those words made my whole body cave in. He was caring about me when he was the one with the nightmares.

"I know you can't help them. But they are bad. Some nights worse than others though. I wake up at the sound of a pin drop. So don't worry about me." I moved over to Scott's bed and sat down next to him. I reached over and turned the bed side lamp on. Now I could fully see Scott's face, he looked pale and tired.

Again a silence fell over us. It made me feel uncomfortable.i knew Scott wanted to say something but I could see that he was weighing up whether to trust me or not.

I decided that to get something out of someone you had to tell them something too. "When I was ten our house was broken into. In the middle of the night. I didn't hear. I was in too deep a sleep. Dreaming about the day I had just had with my two sisters, my brother and my parents. We had gone to the beach and had ice creams and it was just the best day. Anyway the next day I woke up. The house was quiet. I went to my sisters room and there they were laying in bed, covered in blood, dead. I ran down the hall to my brothers room where I found him, laying in bed, covered in blood, dead. I ran to my parents room. I had to tell them. To save my siblings. Maybe they could take them to the hospital and fix them. I opened the door to my parents bedroom. They weren't in bed. I ran to the bathroom and there they were. Dad on the floor, Mom in the bath, a pool of blood surrounding both of them. Dead. I had nightmares for years. I still do. So don't worry. I know that something has happened in your life to make you have to come to this place. We call it a hell hole but it can be a saviour."

Scott's eyes were wide. I wiped a tear from my eye and sat back. "My step dad abused me." Scott whispered, barely audible. "My mom commit suicide and the last time I saw my dad I was eight." I felt my heart break. Scott went on to tell me how his step dad had come into his life and eventually after Scott explaining his feelings for guys he started to abuse him. He hit him, kicked him, raped him, starved him, burned him, tortured him. For four years. Four years of hell.

"Did you go to the police?" I asked.

"No, I was at my friend Mitch's house for the night. And I broke down. I told him everything and he told his parents who were more like parents to me than my parents ever were. They took me to the hospital and contacted the police. I then found out my Mom had committed suicide while she was at 'work'. And now I'm here." He said. I could feel his emotions radiating off of him.

"I don't want to be like Him, Alex! That's why I was affected by what you said. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier. I'm sorry if I did make you feel scared." Scott was rambling on and on and all I could do was stare at his lips, then his eyes and then his lips again.

Mid-sentence I cut him off. I leaned in and swiftly connected our lips. After a minute of confusion he kissed me back. I felt the butterflies in my stomach zoom around my body and my head spin. My hands began to tingle as I brought one up to his cheek. I wanted to kiss him for all eternity. I really did. He was so good. But I began to get out of breath. And I felt a hand on my chest. Scott pushed me back and looked at me. His eyes shimmered in the light.

"Wow." He whispered, a smirk appearing on the edge of his lips.

"You're a good kisser." I whispered, smiling at him. "Can we do that again?" I asked. Scott thought for a second, doubting maybe but he then nodded and I connected our lips again.

He really was a great kisser!

I actually don't know if I'm sorry or not..... Oops! Anyway two chapters in one day, are y'all proud of me? Haha

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