Chapter 9

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Scott's P.O.V.

'You do realise that you are the biggest dork ever.' I read the note that had just been slid across the table towards me.

'Ha! Says you! I don't have Pokemon posters hanging up in my room.' I pushed the note back over to Mitch, looking up at the blackboard which was covered with equations.

"What is the formula for Pythagorean theorem?" The teacher asked. I put my had up and looked around. A couple of people gave me an odd look. "Scott?"

"A squared plus B squared equals C squared." I called out. Noticed how everyone's head, apart from Mitch's, turned and looked at me. Mr Jonson's mouth hung open as he looked at me in astonishment. "What? That is the right answer." I looked over at Mitch who had now stopped writing and was looking up at the staring kids.

"Scott, yes sorry. That is the right answer. It's just- sorry. No it doesn't matter." Mr Jonson turned back to the blackboard and began to write it up.

"He speaks. The blonde boy speaks." I heard someone whisper to their friend.

"Sir, what did I do?" I asked. Mr Jonson turned back around and looked me up and down.

"Scott Hoying, that is the first time I have ever heard a word come out of your mouth." He smiled at me. "And you gave me a right answer to something that I have never taught in one of my classes either. Well done." I felt my face go red. Really? Had I never talked in this class before?

I felt a piece of paper hit my hand and looked down at it. 'I wouldn't know would I? I've never been to your place. Anyway, well done for speaking Mr Hoying. You are quite a smart ass when you open your mouth.' I smirked.

'Only because I read and listen. Unlike some people *eye roll*. Can I come over after school?' I slid the paper back.

'What do you think? Plus it's Friday that means we are going out for dinner. And my sisters coming home, you can finally meet her.' The bell rang loudly as I read the last sentence.

"That would be good. What do you have now?" I whispered to Mitch.

"French. And you have Spanish. Now go before I...." Mitch cut himself off before he could finish the sentence. Stood in front of us was the principal. I looked at her and she smiled. That was a good sign!

"Mitch Grassi, can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked. Mitch looked up at me and urged me away with his eyes.

"Meet you at the door on the way out yeah?" He said and I nodded in response. I watched as the principal led Mitch away and I couldn't help but wonder what he would be talked to about. He was a straight A student. He had never been corrected by a teacher ever. Maybe she was going to talk to him about something good. Maybe someone has died.

My mind raced as I thought through every possibility until the end bell. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs and out the door. I stood and waited and waited. Minutes turned into an hour and finally he appeared in the doorway.

"What was that all about?" I asked as he stepped towards me. He shook his head and ran his hand through his hair.

"It doesn't matter. Do you want to go somewhere private?" He asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward. I felt my heart skip a beat as he linked his fingers through mine. I ran to keep up with him my bag falling off of my shoulder.

"Where are we going?" I giggled as he ran faster towards the park down the road. He ran along the grass and stopped in between a group of trees. It was dark and cold and I could only just about see the park between the branches.

Mitch stopped and turned to me. He looked me in the eye and I watched as his smile slowly disappeared from his face. His eyes twinkled even with the dim lit surroundings I got still see that. He slowly moved took my face in his hands and tenderly kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back but a little hesitantly. I felt my stomach do back flips.

I pulled away. "What's wrong?" I asked looking at Mitch's face for signs of upset. There was definitely something wrong. I really needed to know.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Now can we kiss again?" He asked, pouting his bottom lip and leaning in again. I pulled away before he could though.

"Not until you tell me what's up. What did she say to you?" I asked. His face went serious when I asked that. He let go of my face and sat down on the ground, wrapping his arms around his knees.

"I can't tell you. I want to but I can't." He said. I sat down next to him and he rested his head against my shoulder. My arm moved up and around his shoulders and he leaned into my touch.

"It's alright." I said. I didn't want to pressure him into saying anything. I knew how that felt. He played with my fingers absentmindedly as a comfortable silence fell over us. I could hear the birds tweeting and the kids playing in the park. It was the most relaxing thing ever. I could feel Mitch breathing beside me, his head tucked under my shoulder.

"What are we, Mitch?" I asked breaking the silence. It seemed as though the birds stopped singing when we talked.

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking up at me but still keeping his head in the same place.

"Like, what is our relationship?" I asked.

"Friends with benefits?" Mitch asked and we both burst out laughing. I pushed him away from me and doubled over.

"No, no, no." I laughed. I could feel the bruises on my stomach though so I tried to stop. It hurt to laugh. Mitch reached over and poked me. "Ow!" I jumped to the side in pain.

He looked at me concerned for a minute but then I began to laugh again so he shook his head and took no notice. At least I hope he did.

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