Chapter 41

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6 months later

Mitch's P.O.V.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and I leant into the heat of the body behind me. I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. "Morning." I breathed out, as I felt Scott's lips press to my neck.

"Hey." He whispered back. I felt him smile into my neck. I loved waking up every morning to him next to me. I felt at home. I felt safe.

I rolled over onto my side to face him. His hair was poking out at every angle and he wore a crooked smile on his face. The kind that said, 'hey, I love you.' He had started to wear that smile more and more often lately. Maybe things were getting easier. "We need to unpack boxes." I whispered. I didn't want to break the calm silence of the room.

Scott scrunched up his nose but smiled. His eyes shone bright again! They had started to do that more and more recently. "I guess." Scott rolled his eyes and pulled back the covers of the bed. This sent a cold rush of air up my body and I groaned. He giggled, kneeling down on the bed and wrapping the covers around my body. He then lifted me into his arms and carried me down the hall to the kitchen.

It had been six months since the day I had 'saved' him. I didn't like to call it that but Scott insisted that I was his biggest hero. You would have thought that things would have gotten better straight away but they didn't. It took a month for the cops to track Alex down. Another two months of court sessions and he was finally jailed for abuse. I remembered back to when it all happened when we were kids. I remembered that my parents went off places every now and again without telling me. Only now did I truly understand where they had gone all those times.

On top of all this Scott had nightmares. They were the worst nightmares. The sort that don't stop when you wake up. He would jump at sudden movements and cower when I raised my voice. Even if I raised my voice at the TV or myself, he always thought it was his fault.

It took him four months to trust me fully. If we went any further than making out he would freak out. I didn't blame him really. I let him take his time and that was what he needed to give himself to me fully. Although it was a little bumpy along the way.

But things had finally started to look up! It was six months later and we had just moved in to an apartment together. The apartment that I shared with Avi and Kevin was getting a little cramped and I couldn't hide Scott from my landlord for much longer. Our new apartment was bigger than our other ones too.

And finally we have been signed to a record label with RCA records, Sony Music. As a double act. We were just working on our first EP. Which was to be coming out next month.

I took over from Alex on SuperFruit which really didn't start off well but now everyone has gotten used to it. I think they kind of like me. And it is taking off well. We are pretty close to five hundred thousand subscribers which is crazy mad.

I felt myself be dropped to the ground as Scott began to unwrap me from my cocoon of blankets. I giggled as he threw the blanket to the side and grabbed a box. He was so excitable this morning, like a little puppy.

As the day progressed we began to make a huge dent in the boxes. My parents had sent up most of the stuff I left behind because they wanted to redecorate. I rolled my eyes at the thought. They couldn't just keep my room as it was?!

I could fell Scott's eyes boring into my skull. I stopped what I was doing to turn my head. He smiled, his eyes were soft and made my belly do flips. "Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes actually. I was wondering do you remember about six months ago I asked you why you loved me. And you gave a huge speech about how you felt and why and it made my heart do that thing that only you can make it do?" I nodded slowly, blushing at the memory. "Well, I never really told you why I love you! And I've been thinking maybe I should." 

"You don't have to, Scott." I whispered but he shook his head.

"I love you, Mitch Grassi. I love you because you are brighter than the stars in the night sky. You make even the flowers in a field look ugly. I love you because you see the beauty in every creature. No matter what it may. You are the most accepting person I know. I also know I could tell you anything because you will always be there for me. You are the one person I have relied on for years. When I was sixteen you saved me. You saved me from a hell I had been living in for years. I then had to leave you and my heart was broken. When we met again by chance, my heart beat fast and my hands became sweaty. I was confused, terrified. Then six months ago you saved me again. You saved me from something that I knew too well. You loved me when no one else did. You brought me out of the darkness and into the light. You are the most amazing person I have ever had the privilege to meet. You are the love of my life. The one I want to spend the rest of my life with. The one who can always make me feel happy when everything's wrong! And I know I'm not nearly as good at talking than you are but I love you and I just wanted you to know."

I could feel a stray tear running down my face at his words. The words that I'd never thought I'd hear anyone say to me. And in that moment I was the happiest person on earth. The person I love, loves me too.

I felt his hand move up and wipe the tear from my face, leaning in the to close the gap, we shared a kiss. It was a kiss more passionate than anything I had ever experienced. It felt like every emotion we were feeling was in it and finally everything was okay! We were all okay!

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