Chapter 23

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Scott's P.O.V.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love." I rolled my eyes at the rubbish coming out of Mr Fredrick's mouth. Shakespeare was possibly the worst writer ever. I mean come one, how unrealistic was Romeo and Juliet.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out under the table. No new messages, just twenty per cent battery. It was weird. I hadn't heard from Mitch in a week. I tried to Skype him on Saturday but he didn't answer. Every time I text I didn't get an answer and every time I called it went straight to voice mail. I called his house and Mike answered. He said that Mitch wasn't there.

I was getting a bit worried about him. He hadn't been on Facebook either. He's probably just too busy to talk. He's probably getting a job and working to get money to move to LA when he turns eighteen.

I'm eighteen in five months. That means I can move out. Correction, that means I have to move out. I have to find somewhere to live and get a job. It would be simple if I could make enough to go to college, that's another three or four years of accommodation but that means I need to get a scholarship this year. I have one more year of high school to go. Why did I have to get dropped back all those years ago? I could be out in a month. But then again Alex was dropped back too and he was the same age as me so maybe, just maybe we would be kept in the home for one more year.

"Mr Hoying, what did I just say?" Mr Fredrick had caught me not listening. I took in a sharp breath and opened my mouth. Just as I went to say something the bell rang and everyone stood up. I breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. Mr Fredrick gave me a glare before turning back to his desk.

"Literally saved by the bell, Hoying. You timed that just right." I felt Alex's breath on my ear and gasped, turning around. He stepped back crashing into a locker as I faced him.

"You scared me." I gasped holding my chest.

"Yeah and you pinned me against a locker. I guess we're even. What do you have now?" Alex asked, pushing me back off of him and starting to walk.

"Choir. You know I was just thinking about how the American government system sucks dick!" I said.

"And you've just realised that, why?" Alex asked laughing.

"Gay marriage is illegal in half the states. Care kids get thrown out of their homes as soon as they hit eighteen. College costs a fuck ton of money. The school system is shit! The list just keeps going on and on." I said, feeling anger boiling up inside of me.

"You're hot when you're angry." Alex whispered, stopping us outside a classroom. He looked in the window. "Empty." He whispered, biting his bottom lip. I felt a feeling growing in the pit of my stomach but I chose to ignore it.

"I would love to make out with you and do other things but I really can't miss this class." I said. Alex pouted his bottom lip.

"Fine but at least give me a kiss first." He said, scrunching his nose up. I felt my head do summer salts.

"Wow you're cute." I said, leaning in and pecking him on the lips. "See you later." I called walking off down the hall.

I thought back to how long Mitch and I were dating. Would you even call it that? We didn't even ask each other if we wanted to go out with each other and even if the question did pop up we always said that we were friends with benefits and then laugh. We dated for nearly a full school year. Alex and I have been dating for about a year now too.

When I first kissed Alex I knew that I liked him more than I liked Mitch. I mean, Mitch was the first boy I ever kissed. He was the first person I ever loved. But the feelings I get when I kiss Alex are far stronger than the ones I remember having with Mitch. But whenever I get a text or a call from Mitch I immediately feel like a little school girl who's crush just text them. When I Skype him I get nervous and my hands get sweaty but five minutes into the call it's like we are back home sat on his floor just talking.

Home. It's been a long time since I called it that. I missed it. I really did but this place was so much better. It was warmer and kinder. I didn't have a huge weight on my back about being home early. I didn't have to worry about not getting food. I don't have to steal from shops. I can do what I love. I have friends. The only thing back in Texas now was Mitch. Nothing else.

When we got home that day, I waited an hour before I called Mitch. He would just be getting home. His parents would be at work. He had to answer. I called his cell phone first. Straight to voice mail. I then took a deep breath and dialled his home phone.

It rang and it rang and then it stopped ringing. "Hello?" His voice warmed my heart.

"Mitch, I haven't heard from you in a week. Where have you been? Are you okay? Is everyone okay?" I asked.

"Yeah everything's good. I got grounded so I can't use my phone. Sorry if I worried you though. I won't have my phone for another three weeks and I kinda sorta smashed my laptop." Mitch said. His voice sounded bright and happy. Happier than he usually sounded.

"Smashed it? How the hell did you smash it?" I asked, sitting back on the sofa, holding back laughter.

"I was angry okay? I couldn't help it. I threw it off the banister in my house. No big-" Mitch was cut off by a voice in the background.

"Babe, come on your parents will be home any minute." I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I suddenly felt extremely protective. Who was calling Mitch babe? He wasn't anyone's babe!

"Who's that?" I asked trying to keep my voice light through all the jealousy.

"It's Gareth." Mitch said sort of abruptly.

"Who's Gareth?" I asked, showing my protectiveness.

"My boyfriend. Look I gotta go, my parents will be home soon and you know...." He said.

"Yeah okay. I'll talk to you soon." I said, hanging up.

I walked up the stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me. "Hey you alright?" Alex asked as I walked towards him. I didn't answer, crawling onto the bed and pushing a text book off of his lap. I straddled his waist. "Scott-" I interrupted him.

"Shut up and kiss me." I said, taking his face into my hands and kissing him roughly.

I tried to convince myself that I wasn't jealous. I had Alex. I shouldn't be jealous! I'm not JEALOUS!

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