Chapter 28

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Mitch sat in Starbucks, his phone in one hand, a coffee in the other. His brain seemed to be running at fifty miles an hour. Was Scott going to look any different? Did he himself look different? Was he going to bring Alex? Would things be awkward?

Scott sat on the bus, Alex by his side. "I'm not going to come in, Scott. You guys need to catch up and me being there is going to make it awkward." He said, his thumb running across Scott's palm. Scott nodded, his heart was fluttering like there was a butterfly trapped in there.

"I'm scared." Scott whispered, leaning against Alex's side. He didn't know why. He just knew the feeling of being scared. He knew that it was peering over him. "What if when I see him, I remember everything that happened? What if he reminds me of Arlington? I mean, I can talk about Arlington but to a certain extent. Seeing him may bring everything back."

Alex let go of Scott's hand and swung his arm over Scott's shoulder. He ran his hand up and down Scott's arm comfortingly, feeling him relaxing more with his touch. "It's going to be fine, Scott. If you need me text me and I'll call and you can say that you're needed to help unpack or something." The bus pulled into their stop.

They walked off hand in hand and stopped outside the building next to the Starbucks Scott was supposed to be meeting Mitch at. "I'll see you later." Alex said, kissing Scott's cheek, Scott moved his face so instead of lips to cheek it was lips to lips.

"Bye." He breathed breaking away and letting go of Alex's hand.

Mitch looked up at the sound of the bell. The door was being opened. A tall figure walked into the shop. His hair was blonde. His skin pale. And Mitch could even see where he was sat that his eyes were blue.

Mitch felt himself melt. His whole body, slumped back into the chair. His heart pounded in his ears. His blood pumped faster as Scott turned towards him. Mitch found himself standing and walking towards him.

"Mitch? You've... You've changed." Scott stammered, looking Mitch up and down. He was taller. His hair was styled differently than it used to be. He had lost a lot of weight too.

"You haven't changed a bit." Mitch commented. They stood there for a minute just staring at each other. Taking in the other person. "Uh.... Do you want to sit down?" Mitch asked turning and sitting back down at the booth he was at earlier. Scott sat down across from him and the silence fell over them again. Scott was contemplating texting Alex to save him when.

"So how are you?" Mitch asked. Scott felt his heart rate slow down now. He suddenly felt comfortable.

"I'm good. Yeah, actually I'm great. Better than I've ever been. Life truly could not get better for me. How about you?" Scott answered.

They talked for two hours. Catching up on how life had been for the last two years and suddenly it felt like they had never parted. Mitch talked about Sam and Scott talked about. Mitch explained how he was going to LACM and Scott said how he was going there too. In the end they arranged to meet up the next week when Sam was over.

They then parted, hugging for a little longer than they should have.

"Hey, Sam." Mitch said as he picked up his phone. He was sat at the bus stop.

"Hey, Alex." Scott said through his phone as he walked down the road.

"Mitchie, how's everything? You settling in okay?" Sam asked, his voice warmed Mitch but he also noticed how cold he sounded compared to Scott.

"How did it go?" Alex asked. Scott felt his heart pound at Alex's voice. He couldn't figure out whether that was love or not!

"Yeah I'm good. I just met up with Scott. When you come down we are going out." Mitch told Sam, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

"Really well. It was awkward at the start but it really feels like we haven't been a part at all. We're meeting up at the weekend. His boyfriends coming down so you can come along too." Scott felt a science of jealousy build up in him at the word boyfriend. Yeah, he was a different one to when they had talked last but it was still a possibility that they loved each other. Wait, no..... Scott shook his head to clear his thoughts. It didn't matter if Mitch was in love right?

"Really? I was hoping for some alone time!" Sam told Mitch. Mitch felt his fists clench. Every guy he had been with since Scott always wanted sex. Mitch didn't want to just give himself out like that. He was fine with blowjobs and heavy make out sessions but sex. No, he couldn't do that with just anyone. But every guy seemed to want more from him.

"Sounds good. Where are you now?" Alex asked. Alex had never felt so in love with one person ever before. He couldn't even describe how much he loved Scott. It was stronger than the smell of a rose. It felt like a warm blanket on a cold day. He felt at home whenever he was with Scott.

"We have plenty of time for that after. It's just a meal. Do it for me? Please..... I'll repay you." Mitch pleaded. Sam smirked. He was coming around after all. Sam thought that Mitch would never say yes to sex. He thought that he would never get what he wanted out of him.

"I'm just turning the corner by that restaurant that you pointed out yesterday. I'll wait here. We can go get lunch." Scott said. He stopped at the corner and leant against the wall. He felt an odd stretching in his chest. Like someone was holding onto his heart. Two people. One coming from his left. The other from his right.

"Fine. Anyway, I've got to go. I'll see you at the weekend. But you can call me later because I miss you." Sam dragged out his words. They almost violated Mitch's ears. He knew what Sam meant by that and he really and truly just wanted to not do it.

"I'm just coming. See you. Bye." Alex told Scott who felt a sense of sadness when he got of the phone. God he was confused.

"Yeah, sounds good. Bye." Mitch lied and hung up as the bus pulled up.

It was safe to say that both of them were more confused now then they were ever before.

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