Part VIII - Spider-Man: Homecoming

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Part VIII – Spider-Man: Homecoming

Earth, 2016

A month went by since I helped Steve free the others from prison, and I've only seen him once more since then. When I did, he told me that Tony was the best protection I could ever ask for, and that I should accept his offer of moving in with him, so I did. I have now been living at the Stark Tower for two weeks. I thought I would've seen Peter at the Stark Tower by now, but I haven't, or at least not yet. He hasn't answered my phones or my texts and hasn't even tried contacting me once. At least, MJ and Ned are still talking to me, even if we're not seeing each other as often as we used to. Because it's summer vacation and because Tony doesn't want me to risk going out too much, I have a lot of free time. I spend a lot of my time training alone in Tony's gym, or with Wong at the Sanctuary, without Tony knowing about the Sorcerers. I also try to visit Steve as much as I can, but Tony started to ask questions about where I was spending my days, so I only went once. Uncle Steve and I agreed that every time I would visit, I would move them to a different hotel, in a different location. Doing this will allow them to expand the ground they can cover and get everyone after them off their tracks. Obviously, no one knows about this. As Tony is spending the day out, I'm going to see Uncle Steve and the others today.

"Hi!" I say, as I teleport into their hotel room.

They all greet me, and I quickly move them to a new place. I ask Steve:

"Where are Clint and Scott?"

He shrugs:

"They were able to cut a deal with the government. It's better for their families."

I don't ask any questions and I spend the day with them, playing board games. As I'm about to leave, Uncle Steve asks me:

"You think you could do me a favor and teleport to me at this exact day and time next week? We might have found a solution to Bucky's mind control problem," he explains, handing me a paper with a date and time on it.

I nod, and when a few days later I teleport to Steve, I find myself in a Quinjet, with only him and Bucky. I hug them both to greet them. Bucky and I have grown somewhat closer, as he was the only person who could fully understand what I've been through by being in hiding.

"Where are we going?"

"Wakanda," Bucky tells me, "I've decided to undergo cryostasis, until they can figure out a way to remove what's in my head."

"And in English, how does that sound?" I ask, confused.

"I'm going back in the ice."

We land in Wakanda and Steve introduces me to King T'Challa, who I recognize as being the Black Panther. I also meet his sister, Shuri, who tells me:

"My brother calls you the invisible girl."

I laugh:

"That's not my only power, why does he only focus on that? It's not even the coolest one!"

She laughs as well:

"What else can you do?"

"I can do a lot; I can even be the cat guy!" I say, turning myself into T'Challa.

She bursts out laughing:

"This is so cool! How did you do that?"

"That was molecular rearrangement, but I could also just do an illusion," I add, projecting an illusion of the King walking next to me.

"Can I please study you?"

We're interrupted by Steve, who says:

"Come on, Liv, that's disrespectful to the King."

I stop my illusion, apologizing, as Steve continues:

"Speaking of the King, him and I need to talk to you."

I nod and walk to them, as T'Challa says:

"We need to scan you. Our barrier protects us against everyone coming in, even if you're teleporting."

"Sure, but why do you need to scan me?"

"We need an imprint of your molecules, to allow your teleportation signature through the barrier at any time," Shuri says, walking to us.

"I'd like you to come here every two weeks to check up on Bucky, and report back to me," Steve adds, "I would do it myself, but I can't risk it."

I nod,

"Sure, no problem, I'll do it."

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