Part IX - Doctor Strange

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Part IX - Doctor Strange

Earth, 2016

After Peter saved Tony's ass, the only thing Tony talked about for a week was how he got his offer turned down.

"Can you believe it, Liv? An Avenger. He refused to be an Avenger."

"If it makes you feel any better, I would gladly accept to be an Avenger," I say, jokingly.

"Yeah, that's exactly my point," he exclaims, "everyone wants to be an Avenger, and he refused."

"I guess that means you won't ask me?" I reply.

"I don't want you, I want Peter," he says, grumpily.

I laugh, as Pepper walks into the room, putting her arms around Tony:

"Yeah, it really sucks that the boy said no, now you're stuck being engaged to me."

"That's not what I meant, Pep'!" Tony answers.

I laugh even more. I truly don't know how Pepper does it. She's so patient.

Things with Tony are going better. He's been giving me a lot more freedom, "you're 18 now," he told me, "you can do your smart choices on your own." With that freedom, I have now been spending every Sunday going to Wakanda, Steve, and Wong's. I have been spending the rest of my time at school, or with MJ, Ned and Peter. Mostly with Peter, though. Him and I are growing closer again, which made me realize just how much I missed him. Often, after school, I go to his place and we end up helping people around the city, him in his Spider-Man suit, and me invisible. Telling Peter my secret has made me realize that the feelings I had for him before were nothing compared to what I am feeling now, and it scares me.

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