Bigger family?

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Sydney's POV

It's been about an hour since Laura went into surgery, she had bruising on her ribs and needed lots of fluids and stitches as most of the kids did. After I got my stitches I sat in an on call room with Jessie until he was ready to talk to JJ.

"Do you think she'll be mad?" He asks

"Not at all, as long as you tell the truth"

He sighs

"I still have some truth to tell her so we'll both be on our asses if she's not in a silly goofy mood" I say sarcastically

He smiles and we sit in silence for another 20 minutes

"I'm ready" he says

"Okay but one thing before we go"

"What's up?"

"Do you want those brand marks off?"

"Syd why you gotta mess with me right no-"

"I'm serious. Mark can give you a skin graft"


"Yes but only if you talk to jayje and you have to be sorry for real"


We get up and walk to her room, I could see her tensing because she recognized Jessie

"It's okay JJ, go ahead Jes"

"Um- mrs. Jennifer I uhm- I'm sorry.. Im sorry for trying to kill you I'm uhm- I'm in a horrible place right now" he cries "I'm not gonna blame it all on mom because I made a choice but I am really sorry and uh, you deserve my sister her kind side doesn't come out easily and I ask that when I move In you have an open heart about me.."

Her eyes widen and she looks over at me


"Well.. Jessie is it?" She interrupts me

He nods

"I forgive you.. and I don't know your story but you seem like you could use something good in your life, our family is just that.. something good" she says

He smiles

"Uhm could you give Syd and I a minute alone?" She asks

"Of course-"

"Bailey!" I yell

"Sydney, you need to be resting"

"I am! I promise see look I'll sit down"

I move over to the seat across the room from JJ and Bailey squints at me

"Mhm" she sasses

"Can you take Jess to Mark, we want to get those brand marks off of him"

"Of course! Jessie why don't you tell me a little about yourself" she says

"Yes ma'am" he laughs while they walk out leaving JJ and I by ourselves

"So my attempted assassin is going to be sleeping in the room down the hall from me" JJ says blankly

"He's my brother Jayje" I sigh

"Sydney he tried to kill me"

"I know JJ" I stand up "and I can't imagine how you must be feeling I mean to see you gunned down like that it- it hurt me like nothing else... but if you saw-" my voice cracks "if you saw what she was doing you'd understand jayje yo-"

She gets up from her hospital bed and hugs me when she pulls back she puts her hands around my waist

"I don't understand but I'll try. okay? For you"

"I don't want you to compromise your life for me jayje!"

"Sydney what are you talking about?"

"You deserve way better than me"

"Stop talking like that!" She says "we are together and this is something we're going to do together"

"Are you gonna be uncomfortable?" I ask

"Maybe a little at first but I'll just have to get to know him better" she says

"Fuck" I cry

"You're doing the right thing Sydney"

"Am I? because damnit!" I kick the chair


"I have her jayje I have Laura and I don't know what to do, h-how am I gonna tell Lilly and Henry and introduce Jessie I can't-"

"Come here" She sits me on her bed
She pulls me into her arms making me lay with her and she wipes away my tears and strokes my hair.

"Everything is going to be fine okay we are gonna tell Lilly about Laura and she'll just have to accept it"


"No there isn't any buts we are gonna get through this as a family"


"Yeah" she kisses my forehead

"There's just one more thing" I say nervously

"What is it?"


"Sydney I got her" Lexie rushed in "she's all checked out she just needs fluids and a surgery that'll only take like 20 minutes, Arizona and Addison will be working together on her but I thought I'd let you see her first"

I walk over to her and she hands the baby to me

"I'll be back in ten" Lexie says walking out

I look at JJ whose giving me a stern look

"I uh.. I got too attached to a baby" I say


"I know I know Jayje but she had like 12 babies in her basement and she caught my eye"

"What are you gonna do we can't take her home"

"Why not? I mean we can foster her Jayje"


"Think about it, I could adopt Jessie you adopt Laura, we both adopt this baby and we can also get your insemination"

"Don't you think that's a lot to do?"

"Yes I do actually but I meant what I said Jay.. I want to have lots of babies with you and if that means right now o-or in a hundred years then I'm down for it but you make the final call babe"

She sits on her bed and makes the face that she does when she's really confused so I decided that it would be best to give her some space.

"I-I'm gonna go find Lex"


I sit on the bed to think about everything that just happened. I don't know how to feel or where to even begin thinking.

Does sydney really wanna do this?
Do I really wanna do this?

Olivia walks in interrupting my thoughts

"She's beginning to be too much for you?" She smiles

"Just a little" I giggle

"She's trying though?"

I nod "She just wants everything so fast and I don't have enough time to process or make sure it's gonna be an okay decision I mean.. she wants to bring four children home"

"Because she thinks that you two will do some good and personally I do too"

"What do you mean"

"You two saved Mona and she's an adult also Syenna and not to mention Henry as well" liv smiles

"Yeah I guess so"

"If Sydney thinks that this will work then it probably will.. I mean she did just go through a lot but she can't ignore your feelings because nine times out of ten she couldn't do whatever she's conjuring up in her mind without you" Olivia smiles then walks to the door

"I'm going to get food, anything specific you want?"

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