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I wake up and immediately notice Sydney's not in bed, which sends me into a panic.

"Sydney!" I hop out of the bed to look in the closet and the bathroom but still don't see her

"Sydney!" I yell while running down the stairs


"Jennifer?" I hear Christina's voice coming from the kitchen "be quiet Henry and Lils are sleeping in the living room"

When I turn the corner I see Abby, the triplets and Christina in the kitchen.

"Syd told me to tell you that they could sleep in because they stayed up until 3AM which I totally wasn't supposed to tell you but according to her it's the weekend right so who cares?"

"Where is she?"

"She went to work, she didn't tell you?" Abby says


She notices that I'm a little frazzled

"What's the matter?" Christina says

I give her a confused look.


"I just- she's different" I say

"Different how?"

"She's just acting weird"

"Do you want breakfast?"

I shake my head "I'm gonna get ready for work"

Sydney's POV

"You wanted me here earlier than expected. Why" I say to Alex who has me at work at 4 AM

"Because look at that" she says pointing to the parking lot which only has one car in it

"A Honda Civic Alex.. really"

"It's Cara's car stupid!"

"Oh!" I gasp "let's go in then"

We walk into the building but don't see Cara

"Search her desk" I whisper keeping watch

I follow the sound of a voice down the hall and sure enough, it's Cara's. She's in an empty office, deep in a phone conversation.

"I know.."

"It can't be I'm certain..."

"Because I have her..."

"She just walked in with some chick named Alex..."


"I'm certain that whoever walked in those doors yesterday is not Sydney Rollins!.."

"I'll do what I have to.."

I run back to Alex

"We have to go!" I whisper yell


"We have to go!" I pull her arm

She snatches a file, slams the drawer shut, and dashes out with me to jump in my car.

"What was that!" She says out of breath

"She's onto us!" I start to drive

"What do you mean by that"

"Alex don't be an idiot we have to do something!"

"We have to take her out!" She says as she's going through the file

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