Chapter 18 - Permission

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4 pm

*Y/N's POV*

Lizzie comes back earlier than expected. She puts the paper bag in the table while removing her shoes. "What's that? It smells good." I said as I went there to check. "Pasta- That's for dinner. I also bought-"

"Garlic bread!" I said excitedly. "Can I have one?" I ask her, she was just sitting there looking at me.

"Please?" I beg. She just stared.

I sighed. "Ok... for dinner." I admit defeat then steer my wheelchair back to where I am earlier. "You're such a kiddo." Lizzie said with a chuckle then stands up. "Go. get one." She pinches my cheek lightly. "Yey! Thank youuu." I steer back and get one.

I happily munch when she comes back, gets the paper bag and head to the kitchen. My phone rings and it was my grandma calling in a video format. "Hi grandma, It's been awhile since you called." I put the phone in my laptop, leaning on its screen. "Yes, i'm sorry about that... I was taking care of my husband that I forgot to check you. How are you doing? how's the poison treatment going?" I didn't notice Lizzie went back and is sitting behind me.

"I'm actually fine. Um... The situation about the poison is kind of confusing as of the moment.. I haven't received any updates too and something happened two days ago which made it worse." I sighed. "When was your last checkup? And who's that person behind you? Wait... Where are you?" Grandma asked looking closely at the screen, trying to analyze the details around.

"Oh that's Lizzie." I pick the phone and showed her to my grandma. "Lizzie, my grandma." She pulls me back close to her so that we can both be seen on the screen. "Hi. It's nice to meet you." She said smiling. "Hi.. you're actually familiar, I think I have seen you before." Grandma replied. We both chuckle. "Do you watch movies?" I asked. "Not that much. But my husband is. We watch this superhero movie yesterday, I forgot the title but it has this person wearing a blue, red suit and the other has this flying hammer." We both snicker. "You mean, Avengers?"

"I think that's it. I'm not really good with remembering details dear." She was unsure then asked someone beside her about it which I think is his husband. "Is that him?"

"Yeah." Then she showed him. "Hello, grandma said you watched avengers?" I'm still snickering. I want to make sure they recognize her after this. Smiling he said. "Yeah, Age of Ultron and Infinity War." Trying to hold the laugh. "So you know her?" I tilt the camera a bit towards Lizzie. He laughs and covers his face. "Are you serious? Hon, your grand daughter is lucky, oh my." He said. "Huh, wait why?"

"She's with Elizabeth Olsen, remember the girl last night that you said was powerful in the movie doing all the red weird stuff? The one who fight the purple man? That's her." He points to the phone. It took her a minute to remember. "Oh right! Now I remember! thanks hon- so that's why she's so familiar. Anyway, where are you? That does not look like the apartment."

"I'm at her house. Few days ago, she forces me to move in because of a situation-" Lizzie cuts me off by saying. "Hey, I didn't. The situation you're in really needs to be handled and someone needs to watch over you." She explained then looks at the screen talking to my grandma pointing at me. "Your grand daughter is in a very dangerous situation right now. If i'm not mistaken you were informed about the kidnapping incident but that's not the only thing she faced this week. Um... She also has a stalker in the apartment which is finally arrested, we were at the pet shop and she was almost kidnapped again. I'm just glad the security were doing their job as they should or else she's not here."

My grandma sighs. "Thank you. I'm sorry if you have to take the responsibility and watch over her, it's really my fault in the first place-"

"No, please... She needs help and i'm just doing what should be done. No one.. No one was available at the moment to help her." She explained. "And grandma, don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Clearly, this is also an accident to begin with- Nobody expected this to happen. And all you want is to spend time with me at this point, to get to know me right?"

"Right. But I should have been more responsible-" She had this disappointment painted all over. "You are. The reason why I was the first to arrive was because you are making sure everything will be alright when you got here. So don't think you didn't do enough." She nods. "Thank you for being understanding dear. I promise the moment he's doing well, I'll go there. Ok? How's your allowance? Do I need to send another?"

"No need to. Haven't used it because I can't go out that much and Lizzie's cooking food often. I think I might need one if ever I found another apartment. I'm currently looking for one-"

"Wait, wait, wait... What do you mean you're looking for another apartment?" Lizzie asks.

Oh shit.

I surge of concern hit me and I don't know if it's mine or hers that I perceive. "Um... I was.. My plan is to stay temporarily until I find a residence. And I have found one but still searching for another, maybe there's better than the first."

"You don't have to- Look, Mrs. L/N. Can I have your permission for y/n to stay here? I can guarantee you, she's safe here and taken care of. I'm also in touch with the officer who's in charge of her case."

"What? Grandma, no. Don't." I stated out of panic. "Well, if you insist and you really want to take responsibility... Then yes, you have my permission." My gestures went from calm to complaining. I scratch the back of my head, then sigh. "Thank you, I'll do my best."

"Y/n?" Grandma called. "Yeah?" I sigh again. Now I'm the one disappointed. "You heard the conversation- I will still give you an allowance in case you need to and... behave as you should. I don't know how you behave, so I need to remind you. I'll give my contact to her so that I have updates with your recovery and everything else. Can you assure me you will act accordingly?"

"Yep. I promise." I nod. "Anyway, I have to go. My husband needs to go to the bathroom and I need to help him. Thank you again Lizzie, y/n be good, I'll try to call again within this week ok? Love you, bye."

"Love you too, don't forget to eat and take care." The call ends. "Great." I toss the phone on the couch. "Like what I said, as much as I want to take your no as an answer. I can't." She pulls my wheelchair and steers it so that I could face her. "Listen to me... I think you don't understand how serious this situation is-"

"I do."

"But you don't see what I see-"

"I see it!" Silence fills the air for a minute. "I'm sorry... I just.. I feel like I'm a burden. No one requires you to take care of me in the first place, but you did. I see everything shatter in front of me every time." She holds both of my hands, caressing it with her thumb. "Well, you're not a burden to me, ok? I'm here to help you." She pauses. "Here's a thing with independence.. There's a time for it and now isn't one of those. If I let you live on your own, you will end up dead for good. Do you want that?" She asks, waiting for a response. I shake my head no. "See? So trust me and stay here."

Although the noise of the tv can be heard but silence is filling in the room. I hug her. "Thank you." She strokes my back. "It's ok. And again, you will never be a burden. I know deep down you're also struggling and you are doing your best to fight that. You're not alone, k? I'm here." I nod while still in the hug.

After a minute of comfort, I separated.

I just need a hug, and she gave me one. And it helped me feel better, at least.

"So, want to watch a movie or series?" I nod with a smile. Lizzie stands up. "I'll just change and then if you want some snacks, I will make one and then we'll watch. Sounds good?" She asks. "Yep. I'll fix my stuff while waiting." She smiled and went to her room for the meantime to change.

*Mall intercom opening* Looks like there's no way out now, huh? *Mall intercom closing*

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