Prestige 1

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On most nights like tonight, Arata would be more than content with just laying in bed and reading some manga. And yes, it was totally completely safe stuff he was reading.

"Hey, Arata, you still awake?" His dad never cared for knocking, which was why the young boy was used to having some randomly barge into his room. "I was wondering if you wanted to go somewhere."

"Go where?" He asked. It was not normal coming from his father that he'd have to go anywhere. Partially because of his history of being a bit of a recluse, as well as the man having a lot of work.

"The company's got a get together and families are invited." It certainly explained why the man wanted him to come along. "I know parties aren't your thing, but it could be a lot of fun. After all, your school president's going to be there."

"I don't really need that as a reason." Arata rolled his eyes from the usual teasing her got for being around so many cute girls. As far as his dad was aware, none of them were interested in the boy. However, it turned out that most of them ended up having a crush on him. In fact, Misei was one of the first ones to confess to him. "But sure, I'll come along."

"Great, you don't even have to dress nice." His dad clapped his hands in excitement. "But maybe enough to impress?" With that, he left and closed the door on his way out. Arata sighed as he got out of bed and scoured his wardrobe for something appropriate for the event. Should he put more effort in his appearance for the sake of Misei? Now that his dad put the idea in his mind, it was a challenge to try and ignore it.

While putting on his clothes, he also thought about the interesting parallels with him and the girl, like with his father and her mother. That woman was the boss, while the girl was the student council president. Meanwhile, it seemed the man and boy were good help considering their positions and relationships.

While he was aware that his father wasn't the brightest bulb in the room. Surely that man couldn't be so dumb to not notice the connections. Perhaps that was also why he seemed to want Arata to come to this little party. Maybe he wanted him to get with Misei so that he'd have a better edge in his job. Then again, this man also seemed rather content with the life he had, so maybe it wasn't a major factor at all.

"All right, I'm ready." Arata spoke as he walked down the stairs to the living room. His parents seemed to be waiting for him, as they were already ready before even asking him. "Were you just going to leave without asking me?"

"Well, you normally don't care for these things." His mom answered. "But then we both realized that pretty girl will be there."

"I see..." Arata spoke in a disappointed tone. Did they really view their own son in such a simple minded manner? "Anyway, if you're ready, we should get going." So the family got themselves packed into the car, which was a lot nicer than the last one after it got trashed in that crash. He liked it a lot more, but was still sad about losing out on the gift his dad was going to get him that day.

"Ooh, it's been a while since we've gone out as a family." His mom spoke with anticipation. "It's a shame Ayami couldn't be here." That was simply the reality of having one of the kids in college now.

"Maybe when the break comes around, we can all do something together as a family." He said. The boy really missed his sister too. She was always the one there for him when it was needed, though a lot had changed during his first year without her. It was certainly filled with a lot more people than he was expecting. They chatted among themselves as his dad took the short drive to his workplace.

"Finally, now let's get to the festivities!" His dad jumped out of the car, nearly forgetting to turn off the engine as he rushed into his workplace. While his energy was coming from being able to have some fun, he really did go to work with this level of enthusiasm. "Don't get left behind."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now