Truth 2

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Now it was the next day. Arata was wondering if there was any point in searching Yuki's place. Sure, it was nice to hang out with the girl, but maybe they were never going to find anything. It was entirely possibly he was the only one in their relationship to have kept entries on their time together.

"So, how's your day been?" He asked her as they started off on their first break. She seemed to be off to another world as the girl failed to respond to his question. "Um, Yuki?"

"Huh!?" She finally responded. He seemed to have popped her thought bubbled as she freaked out a bit in responding to his question. "I'm fine, there's nothing I'm worried about." Well, if she wanted neither him or her cousin, Yogi, to know there was something wrong, then the girl did a horrible job of it.

"Um, is there something on your mind?" He nervously tried to touch on the subject. Though knowing her, she'd certainly try to avoid it as hard as humanly possible.

"No, I just told you I'm fine." Despite their conversation during the election speeches, it seemed that she was still reserved in trying to be open about issues she was facing. "Don't worry about me, it's not big deal."

"Okay..." The two boys both replied in unison. While they were indeed worried over her well being. There was little they could do for now. So they went along with their day as normal. Even lunch time was normal, which surprised Arata considering that something usually came up with at least one person.

Again, after school, there was a familiar sight. "Are you busy after school?" He came up to see Yuki at the lockers. She was switching out her shoes, which always made her tense. It wasn't something she got used to after being in American schools for so long. The girl just felt too bare being in just her socks while in public.

"Ahh!" So that was why she gave the reaction she did this time to his question. Last time she actually was able to get into the safety of some shoes by the time the boy rolled around. Him coming to her at this time wasn't common, so it was weird for her to see him here. "Sorry, but why do you want to know?" Despite wanting to answer yes with all her heart, there was a part of her brain that was suspicious on why he wanted to know. Not to mention that she didn't particularly want to see him more than she needed to during a normal day.

Though from how she was acting today, Arata should be the one suspicious of her. Why was she acting more antsy than usual?

"Well, I know you said not to worry, but both me and Yogi are." He explained. In fact, he was planning on asking the boy the same things for today as well. Though there was another reason for it. "Since my sister's coming home for the weekend, I also wanted to see if you two wanted to see her." Despite not telling most people about their past history, he did want to show Ayami, who his real childhood friend was.

"It's just because you think she might know more about us back then too, right?" Yuki was disappointed this was his reasoning for inviting her over. There were plenty of things she much rather he say to her, but the girl knew that it was just a pipe dream given the relationships he built with everyone else.

"I don't mind being with you, if that's what the problem is." He responded, a little disheartened that she wasn't feeling enthusiastic with the reunion. "In fact, I think it's a lot of fun when we hang out."

"You really feel that way?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course he does." Yogi cut into their conversation, ruining the mood a title. The boy hung an arm around him as he teased the pair. "It's not everyday he gets excited to talk about the stuff he likes." That was indeed very much the truth. Since most of the people he knew within his core friend group weren't otaku, Arata never felt like he could get passionate about it.

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now