Otaku 2

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For once, Arata didn't walk with someone when they had an arranged location to hang out at. Hifumi told him they would meet there instead, which he thought was strange. But he accepted it since it wasn't a major deal either way.

So the boy headed on down to his favorite store, which was a lot more crowded than usual. Not a surprise given the event about to begin soon. Though he did feel out of his element. The reason being that everyone here were fans of the light novel series this author wrote, but Arata was not among that crowd of fans.

Another thing to note was that a lot of the people here were not lookers to say the least. Now, don't get him twisted as some arrogant person. He knew that he wasn't much of a looker, though some girls did view him as 'cute' because of his small stature. It was more that the people around him were what some people would call ugly. So that would pretty much describe the gist of the people in this room.

It appeared that the star of the show had yet to arrive. Or perhaps they were waiting just a little longer for more people to pile up before they came out. Either way, this left Arata alone to sit around and wait for the girl who invited him get here. He was waiting rather impatiently seeing as she was the one who wanted him to come.

As he sat there, arms crossed. The door to the store opened up, and all of a suddenly people started chattering among themselves over who arrived. At first, he thought it was the author who was finally going to get this event started. If that were the case, then he was sorry for Hifumi since she was super excited. Though it would confuse him as to what could've possibly made her late to this event.

However, it clearly wasn't the author of the light novel series who walked in through that door. Instead, it was a girl his age, and wow was she a looker. Could've it been because of the contrast with the other guest? No, in any light, any context, she appeared to be one of the most beautiful girls he had even laid eyes on.

Her black hair flowed behind as she walked. Those wonderful bright blue eyes as clear as a river. No wonder everyone around him got to talking, even he was feeling enamored with this sight. There was no way this girl was an otaku.

As people stared at her shamelessly, it seemed there was only one destination in her mind. That would be right where he was sitting. Quietly, she sat down as everyone glared at the boy in jealousy. He couldn't believe what was going on, who was just person?

"So, Arata..." How the heck did she know his name!? "Has he come up yet?"

"Uhh..." He was slow to reply, still too shocked about everything that had happened in the past 30 seconds. "No..." Her voice, why did it sound so familiar?

"Oh good, I'm not late." She breathed a sigh of relief. Then the girl looked at him bewildered as to why he was staring so strangely. That was when she realized the issue. "I guess I look a little weird, but I'm Hifumi."

"Ohh." He said, now it made sense considering that she wanted to be here in the first place. "Wait a second... What!?" Though that did little to explain to him why she looked like this then. Not to be mean about her regular appearance, but the girl wasn't exactly known for being drop dead gorgeous. More like, plain would be the more accurate word to describe her. Where was she hiding this?

"Sorry, I'm not used to wearing a short sun dress like this." She replied nervously. "Do you think I'm exposing too much of myself." That was hardly the only thing about her he would say would be something she 'wasn't used to'. "I just wanted to go out in proper fashion with you... Even if you did say this wasn't a date."

"I'm... Happy that you wanted to try and impress me." Arata really was. Though as he side eyed the onlookers, she also succeeded on getting people to hate him for being close with such a petty girl. "But you don't have to push yourself too hard for my sake."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now