Reverse Harem 2

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Arata got himself prepped for the trip of a lifetime. At least, if one were as passionate about manga stuff as he was. Being able to do it with friends, even if they didn't share the same level of love as he did was also good.

Since this was a bit more important to him than usual. The boy dressed himself in his best clothes, which weren't much more fancy compared to his usual attire. However, Arata was confident people wouldn't view him as a dirty shut-in otaku with this outfit.

So once he was ready, it was time to meet with the others at the station. This was where they were going to begin their journey as Akiba's mom was the one leading the way. It was kind of her to give them this chance, since it was mostly a favor by a friend of hers who lived in the industry.

"I really can't thank you enough." Arata was the one who certainly made sure she knew his gratitude. Perhaps a bit too much as they rode the train to the company, one of the biggest brands in Japan when it came to manga and anime. "It's been a dream of mine to go to one of these places."

"Well, I'm glad you're appreciative of the offer." Her mom replied, glad to see some enthusiasm from her daughter's friends. "Who knows, maybe you might find your future career here."

"I wish, but I'm nowhere near talented enough to actually make this stuff." As much as the boy might wish to be able to create a popular series. That was unlikely to happen seeing as he couldn't draw, and his writing abilities were lacking. "Besides, I think I'll find a different career path away from my hobby." Plus, he didn't want to lose enjoyment in it by being a part of the creation process. This kind of work had a reputation for being difficult.

"That's a shame. You know, Akiba's been interested in trying to find work in the industry."

"Mom!" This prompted an embarrassed response from Akiba, as she didn't want people finding out about her future goals just yet. At this point, even she wasn't completely certain if that was what she wanted to do.

"At least it's nice you have an idea." Said Yogi. Him and Akaki were still in the same boat among the group still unsure of what they were going to be doing after graduating high school.

The ride didn't take too much time. All the chatter certainly helped to pass the time as they were getting off before they knew it. The lady led them inside to go get their passes as she went up to look for her friend.

"I swear, she's always cooped up in her room, but she promised to meet me here today." Akiba's mom scanned the room as she tried to find the woman she called her friend.

"How exactly do you know her?" Asked Arata. It was weird seeing as no one in Akiba's family worked here, so this connection was why they were here in the first place.

"Well, we used to go to high together." She responded. "I swear, she's just as hidden away now as she was back then. Ahh, there she is." There was the woman who was her contact. It wasn't everyday that Arata got the chance to meet a real manga artist, so he got excited in anticipation to meeting her. However that wasn't what role this lady was mainly known for in the company.

"I know you're busy running the place, but is it so hard to meet a friend on time?" Wait a second, running the place? This woman wasn't just some worker or artist who had a contract for the company. She owned the company.

"That's your friend!?" Arata was shocked as he eyed the boss. To their surprise, she didn't really look like a typical boss. At the very least, he expected more office attire, but this woman seemed to be in less formal wear. Not to mention the way she looked was hardly how someone who ran a company would look like. Of course, Misei's mom was the only person he could think of as a comparison, but even that difference was astronomical.

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