Prestige 5 (Misei End)

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"Mother?" Misei was in complete and utter shock in seeing her mom here. This hardly sounded like the type of location this woman would be seen frequenting in. So why was she here now of all times?

"Hmm? Oh hey it looks like our kids are here." They got their answer the second Arata's dad spoke up. He didn't seem to mind the situation of seeing his son here with Misei at all. "Funny running into you two."

"I should be asking you that." Arata responded, dumbfounded at the lack of care his dad seemed to have in this moment. "Why are you two here?"

"Well, since it's a down week for the company. I offered the idea to come here and enjoy some karaoke." His dad answered. While she seemed to be against the idea, everyone else liked it and wanted to bring along their own friends and families as well. So Misei's mom allowed it and joined in to make sure they wouldn't do anything stupid when not under her watch.

"Anyway, how about we return to the subject at hand here?" Speaking of her mom, the woman had a harsh tone in regards to what she was seeing her. "What are the two of you doing here?"

"We were... Singing karaoke." Misei gingerly answered.

"Well isn't that nice?" His dad responded first. "We're just about to do the same thing too, so how about you go grab your friends and we can have fun together?"

"Actually, dad..." Arata didn't want to clarify, but there was no getting out of this. "It's just the two of us."

"That's what I figured." Her mom crossed her arms unhappily with this information. "As harsh as this sounds, I don't quite like you spending so much time with this boy."

"M-mother." Misei got nervous now that the woman was speaking so openly her disdain for Arata. "I don't see what's so different with him and the others."

"For starters, I already know how his father can be." She responded. "And I think it's a waste of time to spend so much of it with people like them." Arata wasn't sure what exactly she meant by that. Perhaps it was just something related to their class differences, or maybe she just personally held a lot of disdain for that man.

Either way, what she was saying was rather preposterous to be saying about someone in public. Let alone right in front of them. There seemed to be something she had against the young boy, especially when it came to the time he was with her daughter. "Now, let's go home now, Misei." The woman took her daughter and began to walk away.

"..." Arata was near speechless from her actions. The girl didn't want to defy her mother, and it seemed that his dad wasn't going to say anything. Most likely as to not jeopardize his job or interfere in parental actions. "Wait." However, the young boy wasn't going to let them slip away so easily.

"Hmm?" Her mom stopped and slightly leaned her head back towards him. "I see your father never taught you manners." Her voice sent chills up his spine. The boy's mind wanted to give up already, but he did everything he could to continue to speak. "You take issue with my parenting?"

"Why are you so adamant that she can't be with me?" It wasn't even an implication of them dating. As far as most people were aware, they were just friends from school. "What's wrong with me?"

"Misei shouldn't be wasting her time with people who have dead ends for hobbies." Was being an otaku really that bad? It seemed to be the case from this woman's eyes. "Honestly, most of the boys she hangs around really aren't good influences." At least he wasn't alone in being a part of her ire. Though why Akaki was a part of it with him and Yogi was unknown.

"It's not up to you to decide who she wants to spend her time with." Arata argued. "I mean, if she wants to be with me or not, that should be up to her."

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