Holding Back 3 (Yurime End)

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"Wh-what are you talking about?" Yurime spoke in an exasperated voice. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Syari looked at her befuddled. "I mean, sure there's probably some girls who like him." After all, that was what she was suspicious of him in the first place. "But I think he's still single."

"Well, I just know who likes him." She anxiously played with her fingers as she explained the situation. "I could never take him away from them."

"So you do like him." Judging by the lack of a denial or statement of non interest, Syari could only come to one conclusion about her feelings. "And you're holding back for the sake of your friends."

"You're right..." Yurime sighed. It was embarrassing to have to talk about her unrequited love with someone she wasn't even a friend. "I don't want to hurt anyone, so I'll stay away from him."

"It's also because you're feeling guilty too, isn't?" The girl had managed to figure out the core of the problem here with little information to go on. Well, it wasn't that she lacked knowledge of the situation, she didn't spent all those weeks studying the group around Arata for nothing. "You don't think you should be someone he's interested in."

"Well, how else do you think this will turn out?" She responded a bit aggressively. "That I just tell him I like him and then what? Even if he says it isn't because of that, of course he'll still decline my feelings." And even if there wasn't any of their underlying circumstances involved, there was never a guarantee someone like him would return her feelings.

"I think you should still try." Syari encouraged her. "If they're your friends, then they won't mind if you were open about your feelings for him." And not only that, but she was confident that he truly had a girl in his heart. Only that Arata was holding back as well because he didn't consider her as a possible choice. After all, he wouldn't go after someone he doesn't think likes him in that manner.

"Is it really right for someone like me to intrude?" Tears formed in her eyes as she tightly gripped onto the blanket of the bed. "Should I really go after him?"

"You should." She put both hands on top of both shoulders of the crying girl. "I think he'll surprise even you." If there was one thing Syari knew about him. It was that this boy was the one person who truly would give any and everybody a second chance.

"You're right." With the words of encouragement, Yurime took hold of one of Syari's arms to give confirmation. "I'll confess to him." With newfound determination, it was time to head out and and seek him out.

"That's the spirit." Syari helped her up out of the bed. As school had come to a close, students were walking about in the hallways on their way to clubs or home. "The nurse said I can take some crutches if you need help with walking."

"Thanks." She took them and used them as they walked out of the room. "Hey, how come you're helping me out?" It was odd coming out of her. After all, this girl did attempt to destroy her reputation. Even if one were to ignore that, they weren't particularly close as friends. In fact, they weren't friends at all.

"I'm more doing this for him, rather than you." As it would turn out, even Syari held some guilt for what she put him through during the elections. It was unfair of her to target him so publicly and make a massive ordeal for him. All just because she was suspicious of what he was planning on doing.

As she would learn during their time together on the student council was that he was quite simply someone who put student ahead of everything else. He would do whatever it took, despite only being a treasurer now, to make sure things were fair and good for their classmates. "I can tell from the way he talks about you, that it's better you're the one he loves."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now