Bygones 5 (Yuriko End)

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This rest of the party went by fine enough. The kids didn't really care about the little outburst caused by Ruo running off. They were just happy he was okay now and the group returned to being happy little children.

"Looks like all's well that ends well." Arata said peering over them playing and running around. "Wouldn't you two say so?"

"Sure." They both replied in unison. Just the same, they also shared in the same tone of voice being rather down about it. Rouza because she only reluctantly had to agree that her little brother was happy. Yuriko because while it was nice to see her sister get with her crush, that now made her current situation appear more pitiful.

Somehow a girl who was only ten beat her to getting a boyfriend. Sure, it probably didn't count at their young age, but at least that girl didn't get in her own way. She looked over at Arata, was this the time to finally tell him that she made up her mind? That she believed him to be the boy for her?

No, there was no way she could just pop the question now. They were at a little girl's birthday party. That was hardly romantic at all. However, her gaze towards the boy wasn't lost on Rouza, who took note of why the girl was acting so strange right now.

After some time, the party to come to an end. So soon, the children began trickling out as their parents came to pick them up and bring them home. Since Rouza and Ruo walked here, they were the last to leave since the boy wanted to keep seeing the girl he liked.

"I want to walk home with you." Yurisa suggested. Of course she would say that, and in order for that to work out. Yuriko would have to come along so they could walk back to their own home together.

"Can we, please?" Ruo begged Rouza pretty hard on it. So much so that there was no other choice but to relent to the kids.

"Okay fine, I'll do it because you're so cute." She playfully nudged the boys cheeks. For someone who was mean at school, she was quite the doting sister.

"Guess that means I'm stuck with you." Said Yuriko, who got herself ready to head out as the sun was setting.

"Yeah." She had a disgusted look on her face in disappointment. "Yo, Kashimura. You better come along too."

"Hmm?" That was an odd request to him. "Why? I'm not related to anyone here."

"Because, I don't want to walk around awkwardly with this girl. At least if the two of you are talking, we won't look like weirdos." It was a strange thought process to him coming out of her. All that would succeed in is making her feel left out as they walked home together. Though he accepted as it would benefit Yuriko.

So together they all went. The two kids walked on a bit ahead as they laughed and held hands together. Seeing it made Yuriko feel a lot more jealous about her sister and wished she could have the same feelings. Not that she wanted to do that with Arata or anything... Wait no, she did. That girl wished deeply to be able to hold his hand while they walked. Maybe even something a little more than that.

But for now, that was just a pipe dream in her head. There were so many other girls after him that it was already unlikely she'd have a shot even if she confessed. Though at this rate, she was probably going to go through out the rest of high school without ever clarifying to him that he was the one in her heart. Yogi was no longer a question anymore.

How would she even go about telling him that? Just saying it? But then, how should he respond to it? If she just told him that she only liked Arata fully, and no longer held feelings for Yogi. Then, he would have to give a proper answer? Now this was why she couldn't be honest about her feelings. Because it was more likely he'd reject her and end any shot she had with him.

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