Harem End

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Arata laid on the couch, still recovering from his injury. It was nice of Erina to drop him off here, even though his room would've been a better option to go about it. Last time he checked, the boy's favorite things were in that room and not out in the living room.

"Ahh, it's kind of boring." The boy sighed as he flipped through some channels. It had been the next day since he left the hospital. Right now, everyone he knew were at school while he had gotten the day off to rest for his injuries. At this current pace, he'd be back in class by the end of the week. Arata thought to himself if he should try and make the trip back to his own bed. The only times he had gotten up so far had been for the bathroom.

While he could've easily just went to his room for the sake of convenience. The allure of resting on the family's nice couch was too much for him to resist.

There was a part of him that wanted to go in there. However, the only reason for this desire was for that special item he kept hidden under his bed. That being the body pillow of his favorite anime character, the one who bore a striking resemblance to Erina. When he saw the resemblance, it kept him from wanting to see it for weeks. Then the boy got over it one night when he really wanted something special.

There was no way he'd ask his mom to get it for him. Sure, the woman was already aware of it, even if his parents and sister did tease him over it. But the problem was that he was never going to cuddle up on it while out in the living room. That would be too embarrassing. Especially when he knew that at least one of his friends were going to be coming over soon. Despite not being able to go to school didn't mean he wasn't going to have homework during this short break.

Of course, whoever was going to bring it was likely also going to stick around at his place to help out on his homework. Even though he was a bright child, it's not as if he was knowledgeable on things he had never been taught. Given the girls he knew, said person was going to enjoy it a lot. Which would probably be Matsu seeing as she was the only one actually in his class.

Speaking of them, he heard the door ringing. Unfortunately, his mom had just gotten into the shower. Which meant the boy had to limp on over to answer the door. Arata opened the door, expecting to see one of the girls who were actual in his class.

So it was a surprise to the boy when he actually saw who it was that came to see him today. Or perhaps the more accurate way of describing the guest was plural, as pretty much all the girls he knew came over. The only people he knew that weren't here were Yogi, Akaki, and Misao.

"Oh wow, you're all-" He was unable to properly speak out his surprise before they were already directing him inside.

"I can't believe you're the one answering the door." Said Misei. She was the leading the charge. As expected coming out of the student president. "On that leg?"

"Yeah, let's take you to the couch." There was Matsu, already making tons of contact with him as she attempted to carry his body to her planned destination. Unsurprisingly, as someone who had a weak frame, she was barely able to budge him on her own.

"Geez, you're just useless." Yuriko commented as her better strength was able to single-handedly take care of putting him on the couch.

"Thanks for all the help, but I can take care of myself." He said. It was nice to have them here to take care of him, but the boy still had some level of pride for himself.

"It looks like your mom's busy in the bathroom." However, his words went ignored as Akiba noted his current situation. "I'll just stop by the kitchen and grab you some refreshments."

"You should grab some for all of us." Was Ichiri even here for him? "Don't worry Arata, I've come to your rescue in your time of need."

You really should be helping out Akiba with how many of us are here." Hifumi scolded the girl then headed inside the kitchen to aid the other girl so that everyone could have some refreshments while here. Even though he never said they could help themselves out to his family's supply. Then again, his mother definitely wasn't going to care since they were all cute girls interested in her son.

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now