Forever 3

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So the boy came up with a game plan to try to work things out between Erina and her dad. If he truly was a changed man, and given their conversation it seemed to be the case, then it wouldn't be too hard to show her.

"Okay, I'm back now." She announced her return in a not so upbeat fashion. The girl had a couple of bags filled with groceries for dinner. "Wow, you guys did a nice job cleaning up the place. I guess I should be the one to cook us dinner."

"Thanks." The two both replied in unison, trying to actual casual. Then, Arata nudged her dad to get him to speak up and put their plan into motion.

"Oh, here let me help you with dinner." They were hoping that a little bit of father-daughter time would get the ice broken.

"I don't need your help." However, she was still cold towards him as the girl made a beeline towards the kitchen with the bags. Yogi encouraged the man, who was feeling nervous with trying to reconnect with this daughter for the first time in ages. Whatever she did, they couldn't allow him to give up and relent to allowing her space.

"Please, we have guests so you can't cook for everyone by yourself."

"It's not hard to cook." She replied. Erina laid about all the ingredients she bought from the store. Udon noodles was the plan for their dinner night. "Besides, I've been cooking for myself for almost two years now." That last sentence stung from the truth of it, but her dad wasn't going to let her walls prevent him from getting closer.

"But it's still not fair to make you do all the work." He stepped closer inside. It seemed she turned a bit in response as if to not face him. "You're still a little girl-"

"I'm not your little girl anymore!" She slammed her hands onto the kitchen counters with a level of strength that sent chills down both Arata's and Yogi's spine. It was quite clear she was very angry with the man. "What kind of father forgets about his daughter?"

"Should we stick around for this?" Arata whispered over to Yogi. "This seems like it should be a private conversation for them."

"Nah, I'm sure things will turn out just fine." Somehow, despite what was right in front of them, that boy had unwavering faith in the situation. Was it just his naive nature not allowing him to confront negative outcomes. Or perhaps, there was more to his insight than meets the eye. "I mean, at least she still refers to him as her father." It was probably the former.

"The separation was really hard on me." Erina's dad defended himself. "But, you don't need to hear excuses coming out of me." After all, a child would be devastated at losing one of their parents. More so considering the circumstances she had to go through.

"You don't get any excuses." She spoke more weakly now. Her tears dripping onto the counters. "Not after you lost your job and started drinking."

"I know, to put you through that after losing... Her was wrong of me." It was deliberate of the man to not refer to her mom as such. "But, I've gotten better. I have a new job now, and until recently I stopped drinking."

"That's not enough." She responded. Indeed, he did relapse back into his old ways after getting injuries. It was clear that his path to recovery was not over yet.

"I'm still working on it." He said, getting closer to her. She no longer was standoffish to him, as there was no resistance to his movement. "I need to still work hard to be the father you deserve, but I'm never going to give up on you."

"I don't want to give up on you either." In a surprise for both boys. She was the one who rushed towards him and hugged the man. "I want my dad back. I want to be happy as a family again."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now