Prestige 2

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So the pair continued their chatting as the get together went on through the night. Misei couldn't possibly be more happy as she attempted to make a move on him. So far, whenever they were in public, she was quite quiet on her feelings for him.

However, this was what she had been hoping for a while now. As someone with a lot of responsibilities, there were few times where she was alone with him. Sure, the boy worked with her in the student council, but a lot of their talk ended up being about business. That wasn't romantic at all, nor did it lead to any development.

"You really never knew what your dad did?" Now she had the chance to get closer to him. So it was time to open up, just a tiny bit more. "I thought it was normal for parents to discuss their careers."

"Well, I can see why she talk about it with you." Arata imagined that given their living situations, there would be no way to hide that fact. Meanwhile, the boy wasn't all the interested in his dad's work anyway, so it wasn't like he ever asked. "I take it your mom really pushes a lot on you."

"She... Does." She answered with a bit of hesitation. It was almost like speaking poorly of the lady was foreign to her. He was already aware of the time her mom got mad for apparently getting second on some contest. That gave him a bit of an idea of how she treated her daughter. Then there was also the time he actually met the woman. Back during the Christmas party, she seemed to be absolutely miserable.

"Oh, I'm not trying to insult your mom or anything." Arata took note of her negative change in mood, so he attempted turn it around. "I'm sure she's a lovely lady."

"She's very well respected." She replied. "I wasn't all that different from her when we first met." Given how she acted in official capacity, the only change came about with only him. In fact, it seemed that she was more strict with students after the elections. Probably because she didn't actually win, so this was an attempt in 'proving' herself to everyone.

"Well, my dad seems to like her." Though the man never hid away whenever his boss got mad at his behavior. He still spoke very positively about her. Odd, seeing as their personalities were at odds with each other. "And I can tell she's done a good job at running things."

"Yeah, and she's done a lot with teaching me about the business." She used that statement to especially brag to him about her experience. After all, as the woman who owned the location here, it was expected for her next-of-kin to take over and continue the line. So Misei had been getting trained over it ever since starting high school. It was no wonder why everyone considered her to be so great at being the student council president. Leadership was practically taught to her at a young age, if not born with it.

Though it was hard, she seemed to be glad that this was her life. There was little missing for her. Well, other than the lack of finally winning the heart of her crush and seeing her family. "And I've done it while acing all my classes."

"Yeah, it is pretty impressive." He replied. She really was a capable girl, but something was missing that kept him from getting closer to her. And that was despite all the progress they had made not just in the romantic field, but also as friends. A bit of a shame, especially after seeing her in this dress, his body wanted to get a little closer as well.

"What's going on here?" As they were chatting, a voice came in and cut into their conversation. The pair looked up and saw Misei's mom, who asked the question, accompanied with Arata's dad.

"Oh, mother." Misei's tone sounded very submissive as she responded and greeted the woman. "I was just talking with one of my friends here."

"Alone?" She had a icy stare that pierce fear into him. And he wasn't the one she was looking at. "It's quite rude to hide away from the rest of our guests who took the time out of their lives to come here tonight."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now