Holding Back 2

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By the next day, Arata had come up with an idea to tell Yurime. It was one that he believed to be foolproof.

"It's exciting to see you're almost there." She said. Indeed there was excitement within her, but it was also mixed with the feeling of dread knowing that once this was completed. Things were over for her the moment he was finally off the market. Even though she already she was out of the game, her heart still felt the pain. "So what is it?"

"I was thinking, maybe if I get into an... Intimate moment with them, I'll know who makes my heart race." The plan sounded incredibly stupid. However, that was all he could think of after last night where he tossed and turned in bed trying to come up with anything. For him, if perhaps he was forced to look at them in a certain light, his heart would give him the answer.

"Um, okay." She wasn't sure about it. Not only that, but she really didn't want to see him pushed up against another girl, especially some of her closer friends. "It should be a surprise for both of you. So I'll come up with something, and won't tell you."

"Great, thanks." He was fine with that arrangement. At least there was less thinking on his part, even if whatever he got himself into was going to be awkward. "Then I'll come into the library during lunch. Can you get something set up by then?"

"You got it." She gave him the thumbs and they separated so she could get to work. Since they were going to execute their plan in the library, she figured something that could get Hifumi would work. So she got to work thinking of things while in class. It wasn't easy to come up with something at that location, even if she spent a lot of time there. However, the other girl did, and they had a meeting with the committee today as well. So if she changed her mind, it would be easy to get Ichiri into position.

By the time lunch arrived, she had what she believed to be foolproof as she got out a ladder. The feeling inside was strange, as perhaps this was going to lead to the moment where he would fall in love. That boy had gone a long way ever since she met him for the first time, thinking of how to blackmail him. Now she was going to be helping him find the love of his life. Funny how things turned out.

"So, looks like things are getting set up right now." Said Arata, who came into the library early to get ahead of the others. Despite saying he wanted it to be a surprise, the boy couldn't stop his curiosity and had to check her out. At this moment, he was standing below her as she set some books up while standing on the stepladder. "Are these books important?"

"Well, I wouldn't call them our most valuable collection." She wouldn't dream of using the books Hifumi seemed to care most about. Damaging them would certainly incur that girl's wraith. "But as I'm sure you can see, I plan on knocking them over when you get here alone with one of them." The image in her mind would be that he would shelter one of them from the books so they wouldn't get hurt. Then, when he gets a good look when they're vulnerable, that should direct him to finding his true feelings. "I think I can come up with some real clever stuff."

"I think you've been hanging out with Ichiri too much." He responded. This girl sounded rather confident in herself that this would work out. In his head, it seemed like a decent plan, but he wasn't a fan of having hard objects falling down onto his head. "I guess whoever gets here first between them, I'll bring them over. So get into position by then." They both figured that was going to be Hifumi, since she was always here before any of them. The only reason for the difference today was because they got well before anyone would think of coming here.

"No probl-" She was going to give him another thumb-ups, but upon trying to do so lead to her dropping a book. The girl attempted to catch it before it fell, which was foolish as it lead to her losing her balance and begin to fall off the ladder.

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