Forever 4

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"Mom?" Erina stood there in shock as she dropped her can of tea. There, standing in before her, was a woman whom many would say looked a lot like her. Not a surprise that they'd appear so similar, seeing as that was her mother.

"Don't know who else I'd be." Her mother, on the other hand, was not at all concerned about running into the daughter she left behind. "Fancy I'd be seeing you here again after... Oh, how long has it been?" She looked upwards while trying to recover the memory. All the while, she held a cigarette that drifted smoke towards the girl.

"It's been about a year now." Erina answered for her. The memory of that event still burned into her brain like the smell of that smoke in her nose.

"Right, now I remember." Her mom snapped her fingers as if she were the one who answered the question. "You were crying all sad about being rejected by that boy. What was his name? Yogi."

"It was." She couldn't stand being around this woman any longer. The sight of her made the girl want to vomit on the spot. "Now, I'm going to wait for my ride." Erina knelt down to pick up her can and began to try and walk away. While her mother didn't stop her physically, her words did.

"I assume that things are different now." She said, which put a pause to her walking. "I saw that boy, and he was with some other boy."

"Arata." Erina took the bait left by her mom and answered the unspoken question. "He's someone else who goes to our school."

"Can't say I recall him being a boy you knew." From their last conversation, the young girl did mention by name her friend group. Which meant the only boys name's brought up then were Yogi's and Akaki's.

"He's new, but not that new anymore." After all, it had nearly been a year since she got to know Arata. "Why am I still talking to you?"

"Who knows?" The woman responded, dropping her cigarette and stomping out the fire. "Maybe it's because I can tell you broke your promise."


"Believe me, parents just know these things." Or in this case, she heard the boys talking as she got off the train and they got on. Yogi had been teasing Arata the entire time about how Erina's dad really liked him and that would be a good sign to confess to Erina. Of course, Arata would deny it, as he was used to having people tell him that the girl must've been his girlfriend despite multiple efforts of telling them otherwise.

So when she figured that her ex-husband had thought that boy to be good for her, despite being aware of Yogi. That could only mean one thing. "Tell me, who is it that you love?"

"It's... It's none of your business." Erina didn't like the position she found herself in. The girl started to walk once more to try and avoid the subject.

"I knew it." The woman smirked. "You fell for another boy. It seems you're no different from me at all." Erina didn't say anything in response. Her train had arrived, so she made a beeline onto their just to get away from her mom. All the while, that woman laughed at her.

Finally, as the doors closed, silence was all the young girl had around her. However, the reprieve from sound did little to calm her as she sat with her thoughts to herself for the entire train ride.

Elsewhere and on the next day, Arata had been enjoying the comforts of his home after getting back from their trip. It was a mostly empty house as his dad was out for work, while his mom had finished up all the chores for the day. So in his mind, the rest of the day was going to be dedicated to sitting back on the couch and enjoying some television. At least that's what he was hoping for, but it seemed his mom had a different idea as she sat down besides him.

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now