Showgirl 3 (Ichiri End)

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Arata walked to school as he normally did with Yuriko, still stuck on what Hifumi told him yesterday. There was no way that girl was right in her assessment. Surely, no one other than himself could understand how the boy was truly feeling. Let alone that he had fallen in love with anyone. Perhaps it was because that girl was paying too much attention to him due to her feelings that gave her arrogance into believing to know exactly what he was thinking.

"I swear, you really need to fix that dumb look when you're thinking too hard." Apparently they all were aware of when he was deep in thought. Yuriko glared at him knowing that this was going to entail something she wasn't going to like. "I heard about what happened to Ichiri yesterday, things will be fine, right?"

"I already talked to her with the others yesterday." He assured her things were going to be fine. "It's just that..." The boy hesitated in telling her about Hifumi's words to him. Knowing how this girl felt about him made him want to hold back just in case.

"I can tell where this is going." She instead took the conversation under her control. "Don't worry about me, I can handle some heart break."

"Yuriko..." He was stunned to see her accept her fate so easily. Did they all see what he was blind to this entire time? What was he not seeing that they all already knew about.

"Just go." She told him as they reached the school ground. "You promised you'd see her today too, right?" It was clear who she was referring to here. Yet another thing that made the boy bewildered about her knowledge of the situation. Did someone tell her, or did she just make a good assumption based on the facts?

"I... Okay." There were tears forming in her tears. Perhaps a part of the reason she wanted him to leave was so he wouldn't have to see her crying. This wasn't how anyone wanted to spend their morning, but perhaps it was a necessity given the delicate nature of their lives.

So Arata went inside to get himself ready for classes. Though more importantly as he put on his shoes, there was someone else he needed to be looking for. Where was Ichiri? They made that promise together, so there would be no way she'd consider skipping out today. Which is why he was diligent in paying attention to the lobby area, specifically at her locker to see the girl arrive. It nearly made him seem like a creep, stalking a young, cute high school girl.

But his efforts would pay off as she finally arrived and began getting herself prepared for classes as well. "So, I'm glad to see you're here." Arata greeted her.

"Ah, it's great to see you first thing in the morning." She sounded rather proud of herself. He was glad to hear that she was back to her normal self now a day removed from the incident. Though this didn't mean it was an incident that other student were ignoring. There were murmurs of what happened going on around them, now that the girl had shown her face here.

Some of the students were trying to be quiet, but their words were clear to them all. There were even some stifled giggles in terms of the subject matter of her panties. As much as he wished she couldn't hear them, and that he could put the fact that those murmurs were heard by him thanks to good hearing. The look on Ichiri's face proved to him that she was aware of the discussions of the day.

"Hey, chin up." He tried to make her feel better. "No one's making fun of you to your face, and I'm sure this will all blow over in a couple of days." After some experience in revealing his true passions, the boy understood how people here worked. Admittedly, it seemed that he was being way too paranoid about hiding that he was an otaku. He reality was more that Arata was just using it as an excuse to not have to try and get to know people.

"I know." She nervously played with her hands as they talked. He directed her away from the lobby and made their way to her classroom. "I'm trying to be brave, because I want you to be proud of me."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now