Forever 2

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Arata got himself ready to take the ride over to Erina's hometown. It was merely just one town over from where they lived, so he wasn't expecting it to take long. However, there was a feeling of concern within him from encountering the unknown. This time caused by the fact he had never met her dad before. Only being aware of the kind of person he was from the small snippets of information given by her.

So there was worry within him thing might not go well. However, he wasn't going to let this deter him from trying as he had promised Yogi. He met up with the pair at the station and they got on their trip right on schedule.

"It's always fun to take the train." Yogi commented as he soaked in the view of the passing buildings and road besides them. "I wish I could take it everyday."

"Maybe you can find a job with a long commute then." Arata responded. He was someone who wasn't as big of a fan of these trips as the boy sitting next to him. Somewhere he could just stay within walking distance was more than good enough for him.

"Then, let's snap a picture for the memories." Of course she would agree with Yogi, he thought. She was crazy for him, though it didn't seem to pop out anymore. Perhaps that was a sign of her maturing in her love, he thought. The three of them grouped together as she turned her reliable camera towards them pointing at the window. They smiled and she took a nice photo of them taking a train ride together.

"We really should be cherishing these moments more." Yogi said as they all looked at the picture she took through the preview. "It's not like we'll always have them."

"You act like we're going to graduate this year." Arata reminded him they still had to go through the third year together. Sure, it wasn't going to be as adventurous given the exams they had to take for college. However, a year was still a long time and no one intended on wasting it.

Though even with that year, the time for Arata to finally give a proper answer to the girls was running out. He wasn't afforded the luxury of waiting forever, and it seemed that the end of this school year was his deadline. A bit arbitrary, but at some point he was going to have to come to a decision. So it seemed to make sense. At least Yogi was a lot more fortunate. All that boy had to attend to was his unrequited love to Misao while fending off the advances of Erina and Ayami. The latter of whom, he still supported.

After a short ride, the trio made it to their station. "Finally made it..." Arata breathed a sigh of relief as they stepped off. He was reminded of that Christmas day when he and Erina got stranded due to the frozen tracks. That was only a mere few months ago at this point, but the memory was still vivid in his mind.

"Now it's time I'll lead you two to my old house." She went ahead of them as they followed. The walk from the station wasn't far, and the two boys were a little surprised to see the house she used to call a home. It was a little bigger than they were expecting, and rather nice on the outside. "I can't believe I held onto the keys after all this time." She muttered as the girl unlocked the door.

While the exterior was rather nice and charming. Much so that anyone walking by would think whoever lived here cared a lot about themselves. The interior left a lot to be desired. There was a mess of laundry and food strewn about the floor, and the smell was rather poor. The TV was left on and there was a man laying on the couch. It seemed he certainly had seen much better days. "Yo, wake up!" She pushed on him.

"Hmm, who is it?" He smelled of alcohol as the man rubbed his eyes. That was when he was shown his daughter for the first time in ages. "Erina, is that really you?"

"Yes, and I can see this is really you dad." She had on a face of disgust upon looking at the man. When Arata finally got to see the man, he was surprised they were even related. Perhaps it was due to his lack of care, but they didn't appear to share in many similarities. "Now get up, you need to take a shower."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now