Otaku 3 (Hifumi End)

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It seemed Arata was going to be stuck here with Hifumi a little while longer. A part of him didn't want to stick around to talk with people he didn't know. However, at the same time, the boy didn't want her to be left alone here with them. And this wasn't for the entirely selfless reason of not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

The true reason was much more selfish than that. The boy felt a bit jealous with all the attention she was getting as she chatted with the crowd. All the while he was outside of the circle watching it all unfold before his very eyes.

"So, do you live around here?" One of the boys asked. Despite what he assumed was a shy personality. Hifumi seemed to be conversing with everyone like it was the most natural things she had ever done. Maybe he was wrong to think she was a quiet unassuming girl. Especially after all of the rather close and intimate things she had done with him. It was just that they were in private places when those things happened. So of course he would believe she only wanted to not be seen by others when committing such acts.

"Hehehe, I've lived here my whole life." She giggled as she answered their questions. Maybe she was enjoying getting this much attention. It certainly was more than he ever gave her romantically. "I've supposed we've never really talked, but I've attended these kind of events all the time." That much was true as well. The boys here only noticed her after she took this change in appearance. A little odd in Arata's opinion, a girl like her when she was in her normal state was attractive enough. Was he really the only one to think that way?

This continued on, only causing the boy to feel more and more upset with the view. Why was he feeling this way? Since he had rejected her at first, it shouldn't be that big of a deal to give up on her. Why not, the boy already did that the first time. And sure, he might've told her she was in the running once more. However, he should be glad to see this since if she ended up liking some other boy here it would make things easier with his harem situation.

Yet, no amount of rationalization made him feel better on the inside.

"You just going to watch?" Suddenly, he was a little surprised when the author talked to him. "She's your friend, shouldn't you be closer to her?"

"Well, she looks like she's having fun." Arata responded. "And I'm sure you're only here because you still think she's my date."

"Well, I imagine people don't like it when their dates are chatting up with plenty of those of the opposite gender." He replied. "But I don't have to make assumptions to know you're unhappy with this scene."

"Um..." He was bewildered as to why this author kept acting like he knew so much when the man hadn't even an inkling of the situation and circumstances the boy had found himself over the past year. "What makes you say that?"

"Just from your body language." The author explained his reasoning. After all, as a writer, he was aware of trying to understand the feelings of people so that he could capture it into his works. How else would one think he got to be as good and popular as he had? "Plus, before I made my entrance, I was observing all of you." Which meant he saw everyone's surprise, including Arata's, when Hifumi made her arrival. So that clued him on what this girl was all about before even meeting her in person. "Obviously she likes you, so what's the hold up? You in a harem or something?" That joke was either a lot more or less funnier depending on one's view of the true situation.

"And what if I am?" Arata begged a question. "What if she's just one of the people who like me?"

"Then I'd say still go with her." The man answered. There was no way he could know what the right answer was, so why was he so confident. "Because I can tell you'll be unhappy if she finds somebody else."

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