Showgirl 1

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The day went by as it normally did for Arata. He went through his classes as if there was nothing special occurring today. This seemed to be how any day for him went whenever something came up that would ruin it. Then again, aren't things always normal right before they stop being so?

That was how he felt during their second break and he went for a walk around the school to stretch out his legs. This was how he came across the things that were going to lead him on another adventure.

"What's this?" He asked out loud as the boy peered over the builtin board. There were the usual things relating to clubs and events coming up. Such as the graduation of the third years that was going to be happening in the coming weeks. However, what grabbed his eye had to be the poster that showed Ichiri standing in the middle of it. She was dressed like a magician with the top hat and wand to go along with it.

The boy sighed as he pulled out one of the tabs. This was just another one of that girl's crazy schemes to try and get his attention. Well, it worked seeing as he ended up heading to the location to go look for her. Unsurprisingly, this girl just had to set this up at the library.

"Arata." She was happy to see him enter the room as she seemed to be getting herself ready to show off. "It looks like you couldn't resist my alluring performance." This girl really hadn't changed at all since the first time he met her backstage.

"I'm here to tell you this is silly." He responded. "I get why you're doing it, but it's not going to work on me."

"Ahaha, but I'm totally not doing it for you." She replied. He had a hard time believing that. Both from her tone, and what else could this possibly be for?

"She's not lying." Hifumi backed her up as she popped her head from one of the aisles. "This is an event that the library committee is doing to bring in some students." As it would turn out, the performance was not dissimilar to what he pulled with one of the popular books at the time. This time, they were doing a story about an amazing magician that was always able to find herself in danger, only to find a way to cheat death.

"Makes sense to me." Coming from the librarian girl, he was more willing to believe her. Though why she allowed this was beyond him. "But this still looks like a way for her to stroke her ego."

"Heh, guilty as charged." Ichiri was so shameless, that she didn't mind the moniker thrown her way. "After all, I am a girl with many talents."

"And a girl with even more words to say about it." Hifumie spoke under her breath. "Anyway, most of the stuff should be set up by now."

"Well, this could be a little fun." Arata resigned himself to sticking around. The boy was already here, and it would be nice to support a friend. So that was what he chose to do, and it'd be a choice that he would quickly regret.

"You know, since you're already here." Before he could find a spot to sit at with the crowd, Ichiri was already pulling on his sleeve. She had with her the outfit that the girl planned on wearing during the performance. Though in her other hand, she also had something else just for him. "A magician always needs an assistant."

"You didn't have anyone else you could ask?" He replied. She had a suit made for a man for an assistant to wear. Given that the only other members of the library committee happened to be girls, then she must've been planning on him showing up here. "Fine, I'll help out." Still, the boy couldn't just not extend his help to them. After all, this was for a good cause anyway.

So the pair got themselves dressed, with what he assumed would've been some privacy in the bathrooms. However, she was adamant about dragging him into the closet attached to the library, where there would be no privacy from the other while they changed.

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now