Forever 5 (Erina End)

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The blood in his body ran cold upon reading the note. What did she mean by this? It couldn't be what he thought it was as the boy took a step back from the shock. There was no sign of her anywhere here, so could she have...

No, there was no way. Arata summoned up his courage and flipped over the paper. There was a lot more writing on it that described why she wrote this. It said this:

"I'm assuming whoever is reading this is because you're wondering why I didn't go to school today. Which means you're one of my friends and I really have to apologize." He couldn't believe what was written here. Erina knew she wasn't going to school, but why? "It's just that I can no longer live here in good conscious, so I'm going to begin the proceedings to move back with my father." While it wasn't the best of news, Arata was able to breathe a sigh of relief to hear this wasn't a certain kind of note.

"You're really going back to your dad?" He spoke to himself. "I guess that's probably for the best." The boy continued reading, and it really did not do him much to instill confidence.

"I thought about things." Her note continued. "And... The truth is, I'm just as horrible as my mom. There's a lot I need to fix about myself." He was surprised to hear her writing like this. What exactly happened to cause this line of thinking? "Because, I no longer hold love for Yogi. Because just like her, I'm not truly loyal in love."

"What?" Arata was stunned with the realization that Erina had fallen out of love for his friend. All this time he thought that to be the case. It was no wonder she seemed to be less pushy for that boy.

"And if you're reading this... Arata." She directly addressed him in the letter. "Then, you should know that you don't deserve a terrible person like me... But, I love you." And that was the end of the letter left behind by the girl. The boy stood there alone in the dark in silence. The only sounds being the patter of tears falling atop the page as he began to cry.

"In love? With me?" He spoke, breaking the since. There was only one thing running through his mind as the boy attempted to process what was left behind of her. If she had just written this not too long ago, then...

In a flash, Arata dropped the paper and rushed out the door. He was holding onto a small chance of hope. That she had only just left, and was going to be taking a train ride back to her father to ask to move back again. And even if he was too late, then he would take what little money he had on him to take that ride and find her. No matter what, he wasn't going to let her slip out of his life.

Now he understood his own father. The way he must've felt when Arata's mom said she was moving away. The idea of finally falling in love, only to be told that it was going to leave you the next day. And Erina, she must be feeling something similar to what his mom felt that day too. How they both believed there was no chance for them to find happiness and be with the person they loved.

Arata ran as quick as he could. If she was still here in this town, then she wouldn't be for much longer considering how the trains ran. However, at this rate there might not be a shot for him to make it in time to stop her. Not with all the people around, just going about their business getting in his way. "Sorry, sorry." He said, dodging and weaving among the crowd. "I just need to-"

He unfortunately ran into someone. Causing the pair to tumble over and fall onto the pavement. This was bad, a delay like this could be costly considering the circumstances.

"I'm so sorry." A girl's voice said to him. "I didn't mean to get in your way."

"It's my fault." Arata rushed up to his feet and offered a hand to help her up. "I just need to... Whoa, I can't believe it." Of all the times to be in a rush, the boy had happened to stumble into a real life idol. She was beautiful up close, but of course he already knew that. Her ocean blue hair had gotten a bit messed up from their collision, and it seemed she was also on her way to a performance considering her idol clothes. "Sorry, I'm in a bit of a hurry."

(Un) Fortunately the Yandere Isn't After me (Endings)Where stories live. Discover now