#1 The Downfall

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~ Gangsta - Kehlani ~

"You can't come over tonight."

I scoff a laugh. "Why not Ollie? It's the last day before we have to go back to school. Winter break is pretty much over," I remind him. I roll onto my stomach as he sighs through the line of my phone.

"Grey's back. He got expelled from his college and is living back home for a bit. He's throwing a party tonight so rain check," he explains.

I think about what he said for a second. Greyson West, an asshole who fucks anything with boobs in a lace thong. Not to mention he's in jail every other week. It's honestly not a surprise he got expelled but it is a surprise he got into college.

"What are you going to do then?" Evelyn, Oliver and I were all supposed to hang out at his place tonight. He laughs nervously. "Of course. I want to come. Pleaseeee."

Oliver and his brother share few qualities. They're both hot and are well known as the West brothers. But Ollie is different. He doesn't get in trouble or play girls like Grey. He gets straight A's and everything.

But Grey does not. He gets into fights, he barely passed high school and loves to irritate me. Especially when we were kids. If anything Grey's the devil while Oliver is the angel in their family.

The West's.

We've been neighbours since I was 12. My parents are good friends with theirs. They always do couples nights and trips together. Like right now, they're gone.

Hence why Grey is throwing a party. His parents would never actually allow him to.

"Harley, I don't know. You've never been to a party and it's mainly going to be college kids," he says.

Okay maybe I'm almost 18 and have never been to a party before. I've never drank, I've never smoked or done pills or drugs. I haven't really done anything "bad."

But I have straight A's, scholarships and my dream college to soon be accepted too. I have a bright future ahead of me.

"I'll just hangout with you. Please." I don't want to stay home alone tonight.

"Alright. Come over in an hour," he says. I smile before looking at the time.

"It's 11 o'clock in an hour though," I point out.

I hear him chuckle. "Yeah it is. I'll see you then." He hangs up. 11pm? I get out of bed and head to my closet. What do you even wear to a party? I search through my closet.

A dress should be fine right?

I take out a white off the shoulder dress with a blue floral print pattern. I've actually never worn it out before. At least we live in the south, so it's hot most of the time.

I head to the shower first. Once I'm done I put on the dress and head to the mirror. It looks fine. I take my hair out of the French braids and let my curls hang down. I take an elastic and put my hair up into a high ponytail and pull out a few pieces from the front to frame my face.

Either I look good or I'm making a total fool of myself.

But who cares right?

I walk downstairs to where my grandma is feeding my baby sister. "I'm going to Oliver's," I inform. She places down the fork and looks at me.

Eloise, my sister is three years old. I don't know why she still feeds her when she knows how to feed herself. "A little dressy?" She notices. I shrug. "And your dress is too short."

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