#22 - Sex Lemonade

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~ Loveeeeeee Song - Rihanna - Future ~

"What're you doing?"

I jump at the voice, turning around. Grey stands in the kitchen, his shoulder leaned against the fridge. "Jeez, give a girl a heart attack will you," I mutter as I continue mixing.

"Everyone went to bed late so I doubt they won't be up until like 11am the earliest. So I decided to make breakfast." I hold up the batch of pancake mix I put together.

Grey obviously wouldn't know we went to bed late again. He left with Emmett again. "It's kind of thick. Needs more milk," I think to myself before walking to the fridge Grey leans against. "Excuse me."

He smiles and shrugs. And I mean like an actual smile. Not a grin, not a smirk. An actual smile. I don't even think I can remember the last time I've seen Grey smile.


"Harley," he reciprocates.

We stare at each other for a few seconds. "Grey, move!" I exclaim.

"What's the magic word, Angel," he asks.


He sucks in a breath. "Wrong answer. There's only one way to bypass it now," he says.

I cross my arms. "How?" He taps his fingers against his lips. I raise onto my tippy toes, and press my lips to his.

His hands grip the ends of my t-shirt pulling me closer. I bite down softly on his bottom lip and he groans lightly in return.

I pull away. "Bypassed yet?" I ask.

"Not quite. Once more," he says. I laugh pushing him out of the way and he obliges, moving. I open the fridge and take out the milk.

"Cut the strawberries," I tell him as I add a little bit more milk to the pancake mix. I look over my shoulder to see Grey place the strawberries on the counter and take out a knife. I go back to the pancakes.

I warm up the pan and begin cooking a few. An uncut strawberry appears right in front of my face. I open my mouth letting Grey feed me the strawberry. "Good girl," he whispers, pressing his lips against my collarbone.

His opposite hand runs under my shirt and down my shorts=. "Grey," I whisper as his hands slide into my panties.

"Shhhh," he shushes as his tongue runs up my neck. He slides two fingers in and my head throws back against his shoulder. His fingers curl in me as he kisses my neck.

"G-grey. Pancakes," I remind him. I still have the spatula in my hand. With his free hand he takes the spatula and tosses it on the counter before turning off the stove. "Fuck," I curse softly under my breath.

Grey pulls away immediately hearing singing. I turn around fixing my shorts right before Emmett walks in. His eyes flicker between Grey and I standing next to each other, silent and staring at him. We definitely look guilty.

"I don't even want to know." Emmett shakes his head, before opening the fridge. Grey winks at me before bumping Emmett's shoulder with his and walking out.

Emmett pulls orange juice out of the fridge before sitting down. "I made pancakes! Want one?" I ask. He nods and I place the finished ones down in front of him.

"Sit." He points to the chair next to him. I skeptically take a seat next to Emmett as he digs into the pancakes.

"Look I usually don't tell girls this because I couldn't give a shit about them, but you I like," he says. I nod slowly confused where this is going to go. "Don't get too attached to Grey, he might-- well, he will break your heart."

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