#23 New Me

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~ IDFC - Blackbear ~

"He said he'd call me. It's now Sunday," I tell Cam through our video call. I have my laptop placed in front of me while I sit criss-crossed on my bed.

"Maybe something came up like work. Stop stressing," she says.

She's probably right. Plus I've never been the type of girl to obsess over whether a guy would call me or not. Then again, no guy I liked has ever told me he'd call. "Does Jet have work or anything too?" I ask her. I want to know if she knows anything.

She shrugs. "Possibly. We don't hangout that often because he's always busy," she says. Probably busy with "work." Why can't I just know what they do?

I sigh. "Whatever, I don't need to wait for him to call. I'll see him tomorrow at school anyways," I shrug. It doesn't matter if he calls.

But we were doing so well. All spring break we had fun together. Sneaking out to hangout with each other, going to the 'bathroom' or to 'get a drink' just to share kisses, teasing each other. Even cuddling and just making out without sex.

Grey made out with me on multiple occasions and didn't make a move to fuck.

That's a new discovery.

My phone buzzes and I immediately pick it up. "Who is it?" Cam asks. I smile at the name on my phone screen. "Never mind, I know by that smile."

"Shut up," I joke. "He sent me a video." I click on it and tilt my phone to get a better view. I immediately have to turn down my volume.

"Harley what's wrong?" Even Cam can notice my discomfort through the screen.

"Okay, I'm done." I shut off my phone before throwing it across the room.

"Harley, talk to me! What did he send you?" She asks.

"I have to go Cam," I say barely above a whisper. I can't believe I wasted my time on him, again. Every fucking time.

"No Harley! Tell me why you're crying," she demands.

I wipe my tears before hanging up. "Fuck," I curse whipping a pillow at the wall. Why do I keep falling for the same asshole, over and over again.


"Sweetie, someone's here for you!" I hear my mom's voice and a knock at my door.

"Who?!" I croak out, my throat sore from crying. I'm not making the same mistake last time and letting them in without knowing. I know better now.

"Me." The door opens and I look up from my tear stained pillow at Cam. She walks in and closes the door before my mom can see my horrible state. I will forever be thankful for Cam.

She searches around my room before spotting my phone. "Do you care?" She asks. I shake my head, sitting up. She picks up my phone and unlocks it.

I watch her scowl in disgust as she watches what Grey sent me. "This is disgusting," she says. "Why'd he send you this?"

Good question. Why did Grey send me a video of a girl, half naked making out on top of him while he squeezes her ass and grinds her against him. That is a very good fucking question.

I shrug, "I don't know. Probably to remind me we're just fucking even though I thought shit was going well." I have no fucking clue honestly. I thought maybe he was even starting to like me.

Cam crawls onto my bed, sitting criss crossed. She pulls down the sleeve of her sweater and wipes my tears. "I know this isn't exactly the same situation but remember when my ex cheated on me. What did I become after?"

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