#30 - Deadly Summers

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~ Bad Decisions - Ariana Grande ~

My one night home alone without Elle and without my parents is rudely interrupted by a disturbing, loud knock. "Ollie go away!" I shout. He knows I'm home alone and used to always hangout with me even when I wanted to be alone.

And I'm thankful he always did.

When the ear-dreading banging doesn't stop, I get my ass off the couch and walk to the door. I swing it open, ready to yell at Ollie.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Instead I get a hot, raging Greyson West.

"What?" I question. He didn't even come back the other day. Luca gave me a ride home and I didn't see Grey the rest of the week. And now my Sunday is ruined.

He pushes past me, barging into my home. "First you fuck Ollie and now you're sucking off Luca for pills." He grumbles as he runs upstairs.

I unwillingly follow him. "Grey, I need you to leave," I say politely. The both of us yelling will definitely not solve our problems.

He pushes open my room door and begins searching around. "What are you looking for?" I ask as he goes through my drawers. He finds a bottle of alcohol but drops it back. If it's not alcohol then what could he be searching for?

"Greyson!" I shout as he walks into my bathroom.

"The drugs Harley. What the fuck else would I be searching. What the hell did you do with them?!" He looks almost as if he's panicking because he can't find them. He searches through the cupboards and drawers, pushing and knocking everything over as he does.

"I flushed them and now stop making a mess!" I shout. So much for not shouting. I flushed the drugs the day after I got them. I guess you can say I came to my senses. I didn't need drugs.

He stops, turns around and faces me. "You flushed them?" He asks, this time calmer.

"Yeah. What do you care?" I roll my eyes.

He scoffs. "Whatever Harley. Didn't we have a deal, the night of your party," he reminds me.

I shrug. "I couldn't care less about your bullshit deal. We're done which means you can go fuck whoever the hell you want!" My voice gradually increases as I walk off.

By his shadow on the wall and loud steps, I know he's following me. Hopefully out the door. "So you can take this chance and leave because trust me, we're done."

He lets out a deep chuckle. How is he never bothered by my words? "You say the same shit every time and then crawl back to me every time. You have feelings for me don't you?"

Yes. "No." I lie. To be honest, my feelings for him are everywhere.

I really fucking like him.

But at the same time I really fucking hate him.

"Just be honest with me Angel so everything can go smoothly," he says as he walks into my kitchen.

I roll my eyes. "Nothing will go smoothly. Because if I say no we're just going to keep fucking, you're going to keep insulting me and being an asshole and then take me out and act like everything's good again in an on going circle." I bite my lip trying to contain my tears.

Look, it's period season, I have a right to be emotional.

"And if I say yes." Which is the truth. "You'll laugh and just keep using me to fuck while fucking with my feelings. So either way it doesn't matter Grey just leave," I plead.

"You don't know that. You're making assumptions." He rolls his eyes as if he's bothered by what I said. But it's only the truth. I watch as he opens my fridge and pulls out a bottle of water.

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