#45 Times Changed - Epilogue

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Five Months Later


"Coming!" I shout back.


I laugh, grabbing the confetti popper and walking out to the living room. People gather around with the lights off. "Hope," I whisper and jerk my head towards the door.

She nods, running over to it with me. We stand on either side of the door waiting for it to open. I lift my phone out of my pocket double checking the time.

He should be here any second now.

I freeze when I hear the sound of keys jingle. I place my index finger over my lip, silently telling everyone to remain quiet. The door slowly opens and I immediately pull on my popper.

Everyone's already cheered and greeted him as I continue to struggle to open the confetti popper. I look up to meet his blue eyes. He throws his head back laughing as he watches me struggle.

I groan, tossing the confetti popper at the wall. It sets off, sending confetti every. "Of course now it goes off," I grumble under my breath. The whole situation just seems to be amusing to him and Hope.

"Whatever. Happy two months!" I throw my arms around his neck, his arms pull me in by my waist keeping us pressed against each other.

I pull away with a huge smile. He laughs, kissing my forehead. "Thanks babe. What is this?" He asks, looking around and waving to all his friends.

I shrug. "A party because why not. Go greet everyone, I'll see you in a second." I shoo him away with my hands, he laughs walking over to the guys.

I turn back to Hope and smile. "He loves it, I can see it in his eyes. They're actually clear now," she laughs. I roll my eyes, laughing along.

"Don't say that, that's rude. Come on, two months!" I shriek.

She smiles. "I know! I'm so happy for you guys-"

"You mean-" I'm interrupted mid-sentence by a knock at the door. Hope immediately peeks through the peephole. She looks at me with an almost worried look on her face. "It's for you. I'll be in the living room," she laughs awkwardly before running off.

I grab the handle of the door and pull it open. I almost gasp at the sight. "Greyson," I breathe. He stands in front of me with a boy no older than two years old on his shoulder.

"Hey Angel," he exhales. "Can we talk?"

"Hearts are you coming or what?" I look over my shoulder hearing my nickname. He waves me over but I hold out my hand.

"One second!" I yell back before turning to Grey.

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