#15 Sorry

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~Extravagant - Lil Durk - Nicki Minaj~


"Goodnight Eloise Prince." I whisper as I kiss her forehead. She smiles with her eyes closed. I get up and turn off her light. I close the door softly before walking to my room. My parents are here for once, but it's still my responsibility to put Eloise to bed. I don't mind though.

Ollie's hanging out with a girl tonight. Well more like getting her ice cream and then just fucking her. And Camryn is busy with her family. Her cousin came to visit her. Which means I'm alone. But it is a Sunday night, so what can I expect?

I almost scream when I open my room door. Grey sits on my bed. Does he not know what leaving me alone means? He is driving me insane. Every time I tell him to leave, he shows up again.

But I'm not giving in this time.

"Grey, get out. I don't really feel like dealing with your bullshit tonight," I mutter as I close the door. I don't want to wake up Eloise. He called me all yesterday but I didn't answer or reply to his texts.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes, keeping his head down as he sits on the edge of my bed.

Never have I ever heard those words come from Grey's mouth. Must be a new discovery. "Huh, what? Repeat that," I tell him. He looks up at me. His eye isn't as bruised as Friday but it still doesn't look good.

"Angel I'm sorry," he repeats. "I shouldn't have put you in that place to begin with, I shouldn't have assumed you would be fine with it. I thought you felt safe around me," he says. "Do you?"

I sigh sitting down on my bed next to him but a foot away. "Grey, how'd you expect me to feel safe when you were beaten and on the floor while Cujo had a gun to my head. I thought he was going to kill me," I whisper.

"I know, I know. I've been thinking about it all yesterday. That's on me, I'm sorry. I'll never bring you back there ever again," he assures.

I shake my head. "Grey, you can never put me in a situation like that again. I need you to do me a favour," I say. He nods as he listens to me. "Stay away from me. Please."

He scoffs. "You know I can't do that Angel," he rasps.

I bite my lip, hard. "Why not?" I can stay away... until he comes.

He shrugs. "Just 'cause. It's whatever. Nothing. Look I came to apologize, accept it?" He asks, looking at me. My room is pretty dark, nothing but the moonlight shining in from the window.

I shake my head. "Grey, I can't." My voice cracks as I speak. Just thinking about what happened two days ago makes me want to cry again.

I've already spent all morning crying. What if he did shoot me, what if I did die? I would never see Ollie again, Eloise, my parents, my grandma, Camryn. I would never get to sneak out to watch the sunset or stargaze again. I would never get to taste my favourite food or listen to my favourite song again. I would lose everything.

I snap out of my trance when Grey cups my face. He wipes my tears with the thumbs of his hands. I stare at him, my eyes flickering between his lips and eyes.

He leans in, connecting our lips. I don't want to give in. I want to stop him. But I also just want someone to hold me and make me feel safe. So I kiss back and I give in, wrapping my hands around his neck.

"I'm sorry," he whispers as he kisses me. His hands slide down my body as he reaches for the end of my shirt. I pull back and raise my hands letting him take off my shirt.

I fall back onto the mattress with Grey on top of me, not breaking the kiss. I place my hands on his chest pushing him back slightly. I can't.

"My family is here," I whisper.

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